dinner, and perhaps a gift

Start from the beginning

Y/N swung the bathroom door open, curses already flying out of her mouth, "MINA WHAT THE HELL?" Batting Mina's head, the pink-skinned girl squealed, trying to shield herself, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!"

Sitting down again with a disappointed sigh, she pointed a finger at the girls, "He was literally about to profess his undying love for me and you just had to make noise."

"Wait, he did what? I didn't hear anything after Tooru started peeing, ribbit," Tsu pondered, inching closer to Y/N. 

Y/N leaned forward, giving everyone a recap of what just happened. As she spoke, her mouth was curved into a huge smile, her voice steadily rising into a squeal. The girls listened intently, praising her for doing what they thought was impossible. 

She didn't understand this gentle, fluttery feeling that is currently forming in the deepest pits of her stomach. It made her feel warm, yet nauseous at the same time.

"It's love," Mina said when Y/N explained, but Y/N didn't believe her. She shouldn't be able to fall in love so quickly. 

"I don't want to force it," Y/N responded uncertainly. Mina only nodded, "Yeah. Love is kind of like a fart sometimes. If you force it, it's shit."

"What a fantastic analogy, Mina," Y/N groaned, "This is hopeless."

Jirou had stepped in at this time, collapsing against Y/N's chest, "Do not say that, young vampire. Do not stop the overflowing dance of young love that is currently blossoming on your cherry tree-"

"What the hell-"

"It sounded poetic!"

Her friends had proceeded on giving her advice, most of which Y/N had deemed useless. As they talked about the mundane, the sun slowly set and the birds slowly stopped chirping. Mina was currently going through Y/N's closet, trying to find something for her to wear. Momo was sitting at Y/N's vanity, applying a glittery pink lipgloss and blush. 

Hagakure shoved the newly presented girl into the hallways, "If everything goes south, text us the letters p-e-p-e and one of us will call pretending like we're having a baby or something."

"Yeah, I don't think I'll need to do that."

"HAVE FUN, CINNAMON!" Mina shouted, wrapping her arm around Y/N's neck and squeezing hard. 

Y/N squirmed out of her grip, "You act like a father giving me to my new husband."

"Your future husband."

"Yeah, yeah."

Mina had selected a baby blue blouse that billowed behind Y/N every time she took a step. She wore a pair of simple black jeans paired with black flats with golden accents. Her hair was half-up, with her bangs framing her forehead and bringing out her sharp eyes. 

Momo's make-up was subtle, but not too subtle to make it look like she wasn't trying. Bakugou was waiting at the staircase leading to the roof. When he caught sight of her, his eyes softened for just a slight moment. He was dressed in a red button-up instead of his usual skull tank-top and his hair looked slightly brushed back. Sticking his hands into his pockets, he turned around and lead her out the door and onto the roof. 

Her breath hitched when she walked out, the air pleasantly cool. Walking to the edge, she looked down upon UA high school. Despite it being fairly late, the shopping square was still littered with students. The multicolored lights looked like stars and the trees had lights strung upon them, with satin ribbons that were tied onto the branches billowing in the wind. 

"I thought your basic ass would like something like lights," Bakugou mumbled, grabbing the girl's attention, "And I needed to speak with you anyways."

On the roof sat a small table, with just enough space for two people. Candles lit the tabletop and placed in front of each seat was a large bowl of soup noodles. It was still emitting steam, signifying that it was freshly made. 

"I remember you mentioning how easy you burn, so I didn't know if you wanted spicy. I didn't put any in the food, but I did bring hot sauce if you do want it."

Smiling softly, the vampire took a seat. Bakugou had taken his seat too. 

"So? Are you going to tell me you love me?"

Bakugou coughed, his carmine eyes sparking under the candlelight, "The hell? No, I called you up here to talk. Who would fall in love with an idiot like you?"

"Oh, I don't know. You planned a nice evening with noodles and pretty lights and you're telling me you don't love me? That's bullshit."

He sighed and picked up his chopsticks, "Listen, I just wanted to talk about my dreams and stuff. It's not like I could tell you normally with raccoon eyes and Dunceface hanging around you all the time."

Y/N nodded, taking a bite of the noodles. The flavors blended together nicely and accentuated the delicate taste, making it perfectly balanced. Y/N hummed blissfully, taking bite after bite, "Where did you learn how to cook?"

Bakugou didn't answer as he brought his noodles to his mouth. Y/N could tell that Bakugou's noodles were a deep shade of red, "You said you wanted to talk about the dreams? What about them?"

"They're not as bad anymore, I think," Bakugou mumbled, setting his head on his hands, "I don't get those random ones anymore. Now, I just get the worst one."

Y/N knew exactly which dream he was talking about. He always woke up from those, both shivering and panting. 

Shoving another bite of noodles into his mouth, he gnashed his teeth, "We're probably going to go to war soon with the villains. And when we do, stay the hell away from me, you hear?"

"What if you need to be rescued?"

"if you ever say that ridiculous shit ever again, I'll blow your brains out," he said casually with an evil smirk. Y/N held her hands up, "Fine, fine, I'll stay away from you."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, eating the rest of their meal. 

"I've.. got something for you," Bakugou said, turning around and pulling out a small, soft package. The paper encasing the object was cleanly wrapped, with a huge 'fuck you' written on it in spiky penmanship. Tearing it open, Y/N lifted it up to reveal a hand-sewn apron. 

"For the one I ruined that one time."

Y/N hugged it to her chest, her glee clearly expressed on her face. The warm feeling just won't go away. 

"Thank you. I'll definitely be wearing this for breakfast."

Standing up, Y/N cast one more glance at the bright lights, "It's getting late. I need to go back." It was partly a lie, but she knew Mina and Tsuyu are probably bursting with curiosity at the moment and she could not leave them hanging like that. 

As she walked past Bakugou, she nestled her hand in his hair, "Mm. very soft. See you later, Katsuki."

Her heart nearly stopped when she heard what Bakugou said next. 

"See you later, Y/N."


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