Chapter 43 : And So It's Hulk vs. Thor

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"I have to get off this planet." Loki turns to leave only to run into the grandmaster.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where you going?" Grandmaster pushes Loki back to the couch. Y/N stays in the middle and looks up at loki.

"Were you about to run without me?" She teased looking down at the arena as Loki stares at her. "It's alright, I want to ensure that Thor lives like he promised."

"Little Assassin..."

"Oh. And I won't let you leave this planet without me. So try that again you will be punished." Loki chuckled and looked out. His face immediately drops as he hears Thor.

"Hey! We know each other!" Y/N starts to snicker as Loki looks petrified and Grandmaster looks confused. "He's a friend from work!" Grandmaster looks at Loki and Y/N. Loki gulps as Y/N goes into a fit of laughter. Hulk kept roaring as the crowd cheered.

"Why was I worried? These two love to fight! And they have already fought each other, but that seemed like a tie from what Tony says." Her laughing ceased. "But one will definitely come out seriously hurt." She turns to Grandmaster with a glare.

"What?" Grandmaster asks.

"Either one dies... You will wish you were dead." She says plainly.

"Y-You never have threatened me before." Y/N turns away as the Grandmaster smiles. "I don't know what happened to you but I'm beginning to like this version of you!"

"Where have you been?" Thor asks with a smile. "Everyone thought you were dead. But so much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh." Y/N chuckles as Loki rolls his eyes.

"Loki. Loki's alive. Can you believe it? I know you already know Y/N's alright, she's changed a lot since being here. I'm worried about her." Thor continued.

"Poor guy... he really has been through a lot in a short amount of time..." Y/N says.

"So have you Little Assassin... I am worried for you too." Y/N sighed at Loki's words and moved to sit next to him, taking his hand.

"Loki's up there. LOKI!" Loki looks up still petrified. "Look who it is!" Loki looked even more petrified.

"Hulk knew you were here by the way." She muttered. "When I would freak out at the tower and I couldn't go to you or Tony I would go to Banner. And now, here on Sakaar, I would go to Scrapper 142 or Hulk until you woke up." Loki squeezed her hand.

"Banner, I never thought I would say this but I'm happy to see you." Thor says. "Banner... Hey Banner!"

"No Banner only Hulk!" Hulk says as he charges at Thor. Thor's face drops.

"What are you doing? It's me. It's Thor!" Hulk lunges and Thor dodges. Hulk attacks again sending Thor flying. Thor digs his knife into the ground to stop himself. Hulk roars as Thor gets his two swords ready. Grandmaster claps giggling as Y/N gulps. Loki watches worried and looks at the Grandmaster worried.

"Remember what I said Nico." Y/N didn't look away from the fight as both Loki and Grandmaster look at Y/N. "It's not an empty threat." They both gulp and turn to watch the fight. Hulk gets ready to attack as Thor gets more upset.

"Banner, we're friends. This is crazy! I don't want to hurt you!" Hulk lunges and their weapons clash as they fight. Hulk then kicks Thor into a wall. Y/N shows no emotional reaction as she watches, as if she were trying to shove everything down.

"Here we go. Here we go." Grandmaster says as Y/N squeezed Loki's hand. Hulk throws the hammer at Thor as he moves out of the way. Thor now pissed grabs the hammer as hulk charges at him. Hulk is about to attack Thor until Thor swings the hammer sending Hulk flying along the wall, tearing it to bits. Grandmaster looks shocked and upset as Loki starts to sink in his seat. Y/N begins to let a small smirk creep on her face. She would rather have Thor keep the upper hand, since he is less likely to severely hurt Hulk.

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