It's now or never I guess.

Once I get the proof that I'm risky, Barkus, Jebro, and Viney will totally think I'm cool!

I just got to remember that to keep me motivated!

Emira stepped through the window while I climbed in straight after her.

"This place looks so cool without any people in it!" Edric pumped his fists in the air, leaning over the railings to look down at the other floors.

"Maybe if you actually came to school early to do the extra work you were given, you would know what this looks like dimwit!" Emira said while flicking Ed in the shoulder.

"Guys come on! We got work to do!" I squealed, slightly hopping in excitement.

I've never done something like this! The adrenaline feels soooo cool!

Sure, it's a little scary knowing we might get caught and be put in detention or worse, be expelled or dissected, but it's still cool!

Ed and Em held their items, nodding at me and leading me down to the principals office.

I've been there a few times, but I can never get over how big this school is!

Every turn, there's another turn that lead to the last turn you just went. It's very confusing-

Ed swung the ropes that he held in small circles while walking, whistling a small tune.

I'll admit, it was kinda catchy. If I were ever a tv character, or dare I say, main character, if want that to be my theme song.

'Du du du du duuuuuuuuuuuu, dun dun dun, du du du du duuuuuuuuu, dun dun dun, du du du duuuuuuuuuu-'

"Here we are cutie." Em winked in my direction once we arrived, a small blush forming on my face.

"Ahahhhh ha ha..."

Edric formed a spell circle around the lock, a few click noises following before the door slowly cracked open.

"Woah... Lock magic!"

Jogging into the room, Ed and Em followed after.

"Em, you fill this bucket up with paint and tie one end of the rope to it! Ed, you find something else to pivot the rope on so that we can pull it up! I'll be working on the trigger system!" I pointed a thumb at my chest.

"Got it!" The two said in unison, immediately getting to work.

This is going to be ammmaaaziinnggg!

I can't wait to see the look on Bumps face!

I don't know if Willow and Gus would be on board with this prank though... Gus, maybe for the laughs. Willow, probably not-

And Amity, DEFINITELY not.

Would Amity hate me if I did this? I'd hope not. I just got her as a friend! She just stopped glaring at me in the halls, I don't want that to go back to normal!

I slid a chair over to the door, stepping on it so I could reach the top of the frame.

Sure, let's say that Amity did end up hating me for this prank, which I doubt would happen, I'd still have Willow and Gus!

Even if I just really... Really... Want Amity as a friend...

What if Willow and Gus end up hating me too? What then?

Will I have no friends?

Of course I'll have King, Eda and Hooty, but what about school friends. My Hexside buddies!

I placed a directed fire glyph on top of the door frame, getting back off the chair.

What if they all end up hating me for this prank? Even Eda and King!

Eda and King may like pranks, but they worked so hard to get me into this school, and what if they get mad at me for risking getting kicked out?

"Luz! It's all set up! Let's get out of here!" Emira cheered, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room with Edric following behind us.

"WOO! Let's goooo! Luz I gotta hand it to you! You know how to make a good prank!" Ed ran through the hall laughing loud enough to put an echo through the walls.

"He's right Luz! Is that some sort of human prank?" Em smiled, turning another corner.

"Yeah. I guess it was..."

I'm kinda regretting this-

Maybe this is what those three meant when they said I'm not a risk taker.

They were right, weren't they-

Maybe we should go back and clean it up.

"Titans heart! Bumps office is going to be red for weeks!" Em laughed along with Ed.

"The colour of the paint isn't going to be near the shade of red that his face is!" Ed pointed a finger at his face.

"That so true! Okay, okay! On a scale of 1 to mittens, how red do you bet his face is going to be?"

Ed paused, think for a second before snickering. "About as red as the devils back!"

"So a solid 8!"

The two let out a loud mischievous chuckle.

This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea...

"What are you three doing here?!"

A voice rang out in the halls, stopping both Ed and Em from their fit of laughter.

I turned to face the doorway and...

My life is over-

I knew we should have gotten rid of it! Why didn't I just listen to me?

Ed smiled, speaking up.

"Oh hey mittens!"

Not proof read.


Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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