"So." Dabi said.


"This is it, Deks. Everything you've worked for leads to this."

"I just...what if I don't even get in...I'll have no chance of figuring out who did this to my mom. Is everything you said in there or maybe I do and then I completely botch everything-"

"Don't say that, Deks. I know you can do it. Everything I said to Shigs was true. You're on the way to becoming a damn good villain even if that wasn't your initial plan..." It really wasn't. My whole life, becoming a villain didn't even cross my mind. I just planned to train my lightning quirk to become a decent hero to provide for my mom. But if All Might, the number 1 hero, was responsible for covering up my mom's murder for some reason, then a hero and a villain really weren't all that different. 

And in that case, I didn't mind becoming the latter.


I looked up at the building which seemed to loom over me. It was huge, sleek, and foreboding.

This is it. 

I chose to reinvent myself upon my entrance into UA. I needed to be highly approachable and likable in order to gain as much intel from a variety of people as possible. I got rid of the darkening toner in my hair so that my hair was its usual bright green, I had trained daily so I was toned but not bulky, I put on a bit of blush and mascara to accentuate my features and I was ready to play the role of the lovable, friendly, awkward dork. 

1st step of being a good undercover spy was to gain allies fast. I happened to have something perfect up my sleeve. I took a purposeful misstep and felt myself begin to fall, fighting the urge to catch myself. 

Crap I hope I don't actually-

"I got you!"

I suddenly felt weightless and began being gently pushed back upright. A bubbly girl with a brown bob and a kind smile came into view.

"Hi! You alright?" Her bubbly aura caught me off guard.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine." Wait. Remember your character Izuku.

"All thanks to you! Um my name's Midoriya!"

"Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you!" She said with a grin.

"Well...hopefully you make it through!"

"Oh! Um yeah! Y-you too!" I said rubbing the back of my head. She skipped off. Now if Shiggy is correct then All Might should be near the offices in the B wing. I hurried off looked around waiting for the famous hero to show up. After fifteen minutes I realized I'd have to go soon before the debrief started. Crap. I might have to take the exam with just my lightning if he doesn't show up...

"Young man, what do you think you're doing down here?!" I yelped and turned around to see the man of the hour.

"A-All Might!"

"Yes! I'm afraid this wing is strictly off limits to students. But with the exams happening now, security is a bit stretched."

"Oh! Yes, I-I'm sorry. I must have gotten lost! I'm just looking for where the exams are to take place." I said, partially feigning nerves and partially genuinely intimidated by this powerful legend of a hero. I discreetly slipped off a glove. 

"Ah! Well not to worry, young man- Wait what is your name?"

"Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya."

"Young Izuku Midoriya! It's that way." He said pointing with a dazzling smile.

"Well thank you so much, All Might! I'm actually a big fan of yours. I-I love your work." I said excitedly. This wasn't a complete lie. I had been a huge fan of All Might. I had action figures, pillows, posters, everything. But after I found out that he was partially responsible for covering up my mom's murder (if not worse)...my respect and admiration for him dissipated quickly. In fact I had worked up a hatred for him.

"Really! Well, I'll tell you what, I'll give you an autograph."  He said, clearly flattered.

"I don't have anything for you to sign though..." I said looking in my pockets. "Could you maybe sign my hand for now. with a little note for encouragement? And when I get into UA give me one on paper." 

"Ooh I like your confidence, young Midoriya. Deal."

He grabbed my bare hand and began signing it. I had to work fast. I began to drain his quirk from him. My quirk worked in a largely unnoticeable way. You couldn't feel it so unless it was visible or physically tangible in any way (such as a quirk that produced blades form one's body) you'd have no idea until you couldn't use it. The downside included two things. The first was that I could only take one quirk in a 24 hour period. The second was that although I received the quirk, I still had to learn to yield it properly. Every quirk required training to get good with it. As of now I had a few measly quirks besides my lightning due to the training with Shiggy. We took them from unsuspecting criminals in order to learn more about my quirk. Taking a quirk gave me an odd high, adrenaline pumping through my veins with the thrill of a new power. I could see it becoming addictive if I allowed it to be.

I could feel the entrance of the new quirk into my body, careful to only take around 10% for now. He soon finished signing and I slipped my green glove, which perfectly matched my hair now, back onto my hand. 
"Thank you so much! Well I'd better hurry so I don't miss the debrief!" I said running off. He waved back with a satisfied smile.


After the debrief of the exam we headed down to the arena to fight the robots.

"3...2...1 Exam Start." An automated voice stated over the intercoms. We spread out throughout the streets. I activated my lightning, the quirk I was most familiar with and becoming pretty adept at. I struck two 2 pointers and watched them fall to the ground before me. Now let's test out All Might's quirk. Pulling out a new quirk was like taking a hyperactive toddler on a walk. It was difficult to contain and control especially when it was powerful. 

"GAH!" I yelped when I had the sudden urge to jump. My now powerful legs propelled me into the air and an oversized robot, one I didn't think was worth any points appeared in front of me. I quickly glanced down to see the girl from earlier hurt on the ground. I raised my fist and let it descend on it powerfully. It crumpled under my fist and fell to the ground. Landing, however, was more complicated and I ended up falling until Uraraka touched me right on time to stop me from dying. 

"Thanks!" I said, breathlessly.

"No thank you! You're amazing" She said with a smile. 

We all continued to do our best until time was called. Soon results came out and to my surprise...

"I got in....I got in! I got in to UA!!!" It was somewhat bittersweet that I would be going to the school of every hero's dreams with villainous plans but who cared. Dabi ruffled my hair, Shigaraki and Twice cheered and Toga hugged me. I may have started this journey for my mom but...I'll finish it for them. For my family, I thought looking around myself at ecstatic faces. Dabi turned to me as the rest of them started eating slices of pizza. 

"Ready for your first day of school?"

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