Log 14: Darius

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(On Camera...)

Darius: (to camera) Heh...so, yeah, the island wasn't what we expected. We made it, though, as Camp Family and we'll continue to do so.

(The camera moves with Darius as he approaches the other campers.)

Darius: Sammy is making sure that we all commit each other's contact information to memory in case we ever get rescued. Though we already wrote it down.

Sammy: (to camera) I take no chances when it comes to my family. (smiles) You all are my family now. My Camp Family. (blushes at Yaz) Especially you, Yaz.

Yaz: I can't wait...to meet your family.

Brooklynn: Hopefully, we can all stay in touch.

Darius: We will. We'll find a way.

(They all smiled. The happy moment was interrupted by the ground shaking. Suddenly, outside their perimeter fence--!)

Darius: (behind camera) Stampede! Everyone take cover!

(They all duck and hold tight to each other, forgetting that they had an electric perimeter fence. They waited until the stampede was over and then Darius slowly rose, peeking to see if he could get a glimpse as to what had scared the dinos so bad.)

Darius: What scar--!

Kenji: (under table) What is it?!

Darius: You'd need to see it to believe it.

[A/N: Cliffhanger, guys! See what happens in the sequel! See you when it comes out!]

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