Log 11: Kenji

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(On camera...)

Brooklynn: Kenji, calm down!

Kenji: Calm down?! Calm dow!?! You fucking calm down, Brooklynn!

Brooklynn: I survived my true mate's heat while he was in this treehouse, you can survive with Darius at Camp B.

Yaz: Can everyone calm down, please?!

Kenji: No! No one calms down!

Brooklynn: Stop acting like such a fucking brat, Kenji!

Yaz: We're all the same here. Just because you're rich back home doesn't mean that you're better than the rest of us!

Kenji: I never said that!

Brooklynn: By acting that way, you are right now!

Ben: Please! Guys, none of this helps anyone. I don't know how Darius keeps it together with you fighting like this!

(It was true. Fuck, the only reason why their fights haven't ended in a brawl resulting in tearing each other  apart to shreds was because Darius was there to stop them before it got out of hand. Without him, tensions were exploding. Especially between the Alphas.)

Kenji: Whenever Dino-Nerd's around, this never happens!

Yaz: Your true mate's presence comforts you. That's natural.

Kenji: Yet, I fucking annoy him every chance I get!

Brooklynn: Now that you realize this...

Kenji: I have to apologize to Dino-Nerd.

Ben: Yeah, Darius doesn't want anybody near him right now. Try after his heat is over.

Kenji: I don't want to fucking wait that long, Ben!

Brooklynn: Too fucking bad. We all have to wait after our true mates' heats. Join the club.

Yaz: (pinches nose; under her breath) Camp life, everybody. (aloud) Sammy's also good with positivity, she could mediate, too.

Ben: Yes, but she also has to tend the crops.

Yaz: Right, the crops.

Ben: (turns; sighs) I'm just gonna go...(mentally) I don't know how Darius fucking deals with this shit. (walks off camera)

(The three Alphas continue to fight. They knew what it was. They were horny and wanting their mates who weren't interested.)

Yaz: (sarcastically; mentally) I can't fucking wait for Sammy's heat.

End Log

(Oh, how right she was)

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