chapter twenty

964 19 5

(2 days later)

Chesters POV:

me and parker were getting ready for the day and when i walked downstairs i saw parker sitting on the couch so i went and sat with him.

Parker: hey cutie.
Chester: heyyy. sooo what's up?
Parker: well my sister wants to meet us at the coffee place if that's okay with you.
Chester: why wouldn't it be?
Parker: well because of what happened the other day...
Chester: don't worry it's fine babe!
Parker: okay just making sure. she said she wants us to meet her now.
Chester: okay! let's get going!

we drove to the coffee place and once we got there we already saw his sister sitting at a table waiting for us. we walked over to the table and she got up to hug both of us then we all sat down.

Hailee: sooo how's the cutest couple in history doing?
Parker: we're not that cute.. are we?
Chester: yeah i don't think we're all that cute...
Hailee: are you kidding me????? y'all are the cutest couple to ever exist and there's no changing my mind.
Parker: ok ok fineee.
Chester: guess you win.
Hailee: gooddd. nowww i wanted to talk to you about yall getting married and one other thing.
Parker: that's fine.
Hailee: okayyyy soo i know it's been like 2 days but have you thought about when it'll be?
Parker: uhh well chester was thinking in the summer so maybe 3 or 4 months?
Chester: yeah i think that would be good.
Hailee: okay that's good! i just wanted to make sure it was at a time i could go.
Chester: it's okay we understand.
Parker: soo what else did you want to talk to us about?
Hailee: well.. yall will be the first people i've told but i'm pansexual.
Parker: wait really sis??
Hailee: yeah..
Parker: we totally support you i mean why wouldn't we?
Chester: yeah we do! we're really glad you told us.
Hailee: thanks guys. it's been a bit maybe we should all get to going home?
Parker: yeah that sounds good!
Hailee: alright well take care my favorite couple in the world!
Parker: you too!

hii soo sorry this was all chesters POV ill try to do more of parker's in the next chapter!

chester x parker FOR LIFEEEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora