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(James pov)

"Hey Prongs, how was it?" Sirius asked as he saw his best friend re enter the compartment.

"What?" He asked dumbfoundedly.

"You were going to talk to Lily, weren't you? Did you find her? Did she say yes?!"

"Oh um no." He quickly lied.

"Ohh, don't worry you'll get the girl soon." Sirius winked causing him and Peter to chuckle, Moony was still at the prefect's meeting.

"Ummm Prongs, aren't you a prefect?" Wormtail asked, making him widen his eyes and sprint out of there. Dammit James how could you forget that? He asked himself, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm here, I'm here!" He called out as he opened the door to the prefect's compartment and sat himself down within them. He still couldn't believe that he was a prefect. Him? (Btw, James is in 6th year and Reggie in 5th, Reg is a prefect too.)

"Ok. So are we all here?" Lily asked looking around.

"Wait, where is Regulus Black?" A boy asked and guilt suddenly filled James, he-

"Here!" A voice called out and all heads turned to see the younger Black. He only spared a second of a glance to James before continuing to seat himself.

The whole train ride, James kept sparing Regulus desperate and sad glances which everyone but Lupin failed to notice.

When the meeting was done, Moony stopped him.
"Are you okay?" Remus asked with concern.

"Oh yes, why wouldn't I be." James brushed it off as something casual as the both of them started walking to where the other marauders were sat.

"Ok marauders, let's begin the preparations for the greatest, start of the year prank ever."


(Regulus' pov)

He missed this, the Black Lake, the beautiful castle, the elegant thestrals and the stunning surroundings. But most of all, he missed freedom. Freedom from his parents and death eater shit. He knew that there was going to be a war, he was a big part of it too. He could only hope for some time. Why did he lash out when the boy he loved since he was a 3rd year, told him to run away with him and his brother?

Because he knew James only did it because he was Sirius' little brother, the slytherin one, and that's what he'll always be.

He had no chance with James, the guy was in love with a girl and was as straight as a straight stick could be. Regulus had accepted his sexuality when he was in 4th year. That he liked both men and women. He knew his family wouldn't be excepting and would throw him out the minute they found out. Out of fear, he always stayed silent.

Every year, every day, he watched James run to Lily and confess his love. He hated that James was his Bi awakening. He tried to spend the rest of his months proving to himself that he loathed James Potter more than his life. But who could blame him?

James, with his messy hair which he keeps running his hands through. His warm, hazel eyes, how could Lily ever reject him? One could only wonder.

He looked to his right, out to the scared looking first year's. He remembered how scared he was when he first came.

Sirius had given him a thumbs up and kept mouthing "reggie!" When he was being sorted, Sirius had cheered for him silently before. He truly missed those times. Everything was simpler and there was not a war roaming above their heads. Being a Black meant that he would be in Voldemort's inner circle, and only the thought of it was enough to make one petrified. He didn't know when he was even going to get the dark mark and join him.

Although he was attracted to the dark arts and didn't really fancy muggles, they didn't deserve to be killed.

Even though that would be the first thing they would do if they ever found out about the Wizarding World. Regulus didn't like them but he wasn't a monster, or that's what he hoped.

Was he a monster?

He entered the Great Hall and spared a glance at the Gryffindor table. He expected Jame-...POTTER to be all over Lily by now, but he wasn't? Even she looked a bit desperate for James' attention. What was happening?

Whenever they entered the hall,  James had already started screaming his love for Evans.

Turns out he wasn't the only one staring at Potter, it was everyone. Even the Marauders were suspicious. Literally everyone expected him to start screaming her name, or sing a song, or choreograph a dance? But he didn't, the entire ceremony!

There were whispers filling the hall already. What new strategy had Potter come up with? For a minute Regulus let his hopes get high but no, he wasn't going to get hurt again.

Pinning over Potter was stupid and he wasn't stupid. He also did notice a few slytherins pointing at Sirius and him. Great, they had already started talking about it. Unlike Sirius he couldn't just ignore it all so easily, he knew there was going to be an interrogation from the Slytherins. Because of his stupid brother.

The food appeared after Dumbledore's small speech and everyone tugged in. He felt someone's stare on him at a point and looked up after trying to ignore it for 5 minutes. It was Sirius.....and James.

Huhh, felt sorry now did they? Reggie and Sirius met eyes for a second and there was clear desperation in his eyes Regulus ignored it, and looked back down. He didn't want to be seen having any kind of contact with his brother. Their parents would disown him too for looking the traitor in the eyes.

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