Chapter 27 - The Daily Prophet

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"This is outrageous," I slammed the Daily Prophet front page down onto the table. In big bold letters wrote, "Scandalous and Starcrossed"

"Two lovebirds, Crescent Whitewing and Draco Malfoy, have been on and off this school year amidst Crescent's failing friendships. After generations of Whitewing-Malfoy rivalry, what changed the minds and hearts of these two young lovers? The beloved Gryffindor Princess will eventually have to choose between her long-time friends and her precious Prince." I read mockingly in Rita Skeeter's voice.

"Looks quite believable to me," Ron snorted, earning a couple smacks on the head from Hermione with her book.

"Draco and I are just friends." I said through gritted teeth. I didn't know why I even bothered to argue with Ron anymore. Hermione and Ginny had forced us to reconcile, but we still weren't exactly on the same page.

Above the long article about us, was a huge picture she had captured of us sitting in the window niche together as he tossed the badge out the castle. The caption red, "Crescent request Draco throw away his "Potter Stinks" badge which he does willingly. Despite her efforts, Harry has not forgiven his friend." The picture Draco wrapped his arms around my shoulder and the picture me had leaned in.

How did she even hear what we were saying? There was no one around then. I crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the trash, wishing it would erase the article from all the papers. My parents would see it, so would his parents. Everyone in the school saw it by now surely.

"He's right though, Cress. If you read the article, most of it isn't lies, they're truths but blown-up a little," Hermione reached over the desk to grab another copy of the Daily Prophet. "And as much I prefer not to see or believe it, last time I checked, friends don't look at each other like that," she whispered in my ear so that only I could hear it.

My eyes scanned the article again, Hermione wasn't wrong. Me disarming Draco, but later defending Draco from Ron,  and hanging out with him more than I did Harry this year. Any first-year would've easily believed this, I know I would've if I didn't have any other context.

"Crescent," I turned to see Draco waving me over. Ron eyed me with an annoyed expression but didn't say anything. When I dismissed myself from the table, I felt heads turning to watch us head to a place out of sight from everyone: the second floor bathroom.


Draco's POV

"I got a letter from my father. He was not pleased," I began when we reached the bathroom. Actually, he was more than "not pleased," he was outraged. 

"How did she know? There wasn't anyone around at that time," Crescent furrowed her brows, and paced along the stalls.

"I don't know, maybe Weasley decided to go and tell us off," I scratched my head. 

"No, even with the way things have been between us, he would never do something like that," she defended almost immediately.

"You're always so quick defend those you love. Usually it's a strength but I'm beginning to feel like it's a weakness," I chuckled.

When she whipped around to face me, she didn't look angry, just flustered. "Are you not mad about the article?"

Mad? I was far from mad. "The inevitable has happened. Everyone knows about us now. People who haven't caught on, people who thought we were just being friendlier but not necessarily friends. Now, they know it runs much deeper than that," I shrugged, if anything it felt like a weight lifted off my chest.

"But we're not in love. That'd be crazy, to fall for a..." Crescent trailed off, her sapphire eyes searched mine.

"Yea, that'd be crazy..." I echoed, nodding slowly, a feeling a sadness overcame me. Why? We were still friends, just not lovers.

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