Chapter 22 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

"Have you found a lover yet?" She asked, reminding me of my omen from the first day of classes.

Ok, that's it. "That's none of your business," I grabbed my books and headed out, following in Hermione's wake. 


By the time May rolled around, Sirius Black was honestly the least of our worries. Harry was often at Quidditch practice which left Hermione and Ron to reconcile and try another way to get Buckbeak out of execution. However, despite our best efforts, the Ministry wouldn't change their minds. There wasn't even time to be upset about it as the day of the Quidditch finals crept closer.

When the day finally came, the stadiums were jam-packed. Even those who never came to watch games had taken this chance to show. Gryffindor vs Slytherin, the ultimate showdown. It was pretty clear that Gryffindor outmatched Slytherin. Especially when Slytherin's seeker spent most of the season with his arm in a sling and sitting out of games I thought.

"The point gap between the two teams came already be seen early on..."

"The golden Gryffindor in the lead by almost 20 points..."

"Penalty for Slytherin!"

"Gryffindor gains more points, the point gap drawing wider and wider..."

"That's another penalty for Slytherin! That's what you get for not playing nicely,"

"A whole 50 points ahead! If you bet on Slytherin, get ready to lose with them!"

"He's got it! Harry Potter has captured the golden snitch!" Lee Jordan's commentary boomed across the stadium as it exploded into cheers, chanting names of the Gryffindor team members.

I was screaming so loudly, I couldn't even hear myself as Hermione wrapped her around around me and jumped up and down with joy.

Our happiness was short-lived, however, as news of Buckbeak's execution time was delivered to us via owl mail from Hagrid. As soon as class ended, we dashed across the castle grounds and headed to Hagrid's. When we neared the edge of the castle, I spotted Draco and his two bodyguards kneeling near the pillars, waiting for the execution.

Without a word, Hermione marched in his direction.

"Look who's here. Come and see the show?" Draco goaded, avoiding my gaze and only meeting Hermione's.

"You, you foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" she lashed out, her wand pointed directly at Draco's neck. 

I gasped, not believing my eyes that Hermione had whipped out her wand at Draco. Usually it was always me. As if she knew what I was thinking, she said, "If Cress isn't going to do it, I might as well," she hisses, pressing the tip harder against his skin. She was right, Draco and I hadn't been at each other's throats this year despite still acting the same old way to my friends. Hermione had accused me of growing soft, maybe she was also right about that too.

"He's not worth it, Hermione," Ron said, watching Draco whimper at wand-point. 

Hermione thought about it and then lowered her wand hesitantly. I saw Draco's lips starting to form into a sneer when Hermione turned and slapped him so hard across the face, I swore I could hear the echoes of the slap.

Draco groaned in pain, holding his cheek as he finally glanced my way and then ran for it. Hermione turned to face us. "That felt good," was all she said as she wore the largest grin on her face.

"Yea, he deserved that," I agreed, suddenly mad that I had been so caught up with the other side of him that I'd completely lost myself and barely helped my friends save Buckbeak. I hated how I'd changed this year. An impulsive decision it was, but I turned on my heels and chased after Draco.

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