The playground had a lone slide, a tire that was once tied to a tree before it broke off, and a sandbox to which they were talking and playing with each other while waiting for the nun, who was in charge of the orphanage, to call them up for dinner. 

Duck was in his yellow shirt with red vest over it.  

His eyes as bright blue as the sea staring over to Pinkster Pig, who had red hair and was wearing a matching yellow shirt with a blue vest over it. 

They were watching a potential couple, who smiled and waved at the two in a friendly manner. 

Thus, this moment was regrettably was the last time that they were ever friends again. 

"Promise me that when we get adopted, we can have more playdates like this." Pinkster Pig said in a more formal fashion, since he was raised all his life to be a good little boy.  

"I promise. You're my best friend." Duck said excitedly, who was quite energetic for a little boy his age and a complete opposite of Pig. 

"Same. No matter what happens we will never be apart." Pinkster Pig said with a gentlemen's smile. 

"But what if one of us has to go, then what?" Duck asked, sadly. 

"Here, give me your lucky coin." Pig informed as Duck hands him his infamous botched up duck metal coin which he simply placed in his pocket, without realizing that it was a fake. 

"If one of us has to leave then we will use this and whoever wins, can go with them while the other will hope to be adopted by another pair of parents soon and then we can make arrangements to have our playdates." Pig explains. 

"Deal! I'll be heads!" Duck yelled out, quick. 

"Good choice and I will be tails then. It was nice knowing you Duck" Pig said while shaking Duck's hand in a civil manner. 

"You too. See you on the other side" Duck said as the two walk together to meet the couple and resume what was, their unexpected fate.

Pig smiled warmly at the moment, noticeably that after all these years, he was still that same active and fun loving person he was, but then all of a sudden sadly frowns when he plays forward into his memory and remembers the betrayal that Duck had inflicted on him during that bet as he replays his young shocked face watching Duck leave with a good family. 

The day after that, he was adopted by soon-to-be jail criminals, who had ultimately roped him into dealing with the mess that he is in now. 

His head then started fill up with many vicious options of how he should make Duck suffer for all his misery. 

Should he take away his powers, leaving him defeated and defenseless?

Should he kidnap the parents that were supposed to take him instead and make Duck choose between them and the whole world?

More and more ideas then appear as he increasingly grew frustrated by the moment.

Thankfully to his sanity, a single ringing in his pocket suddenly stops his madness as he shakes his head out of those thoughts and answers the phone. 

"Yeah, what do you want?" Pig asked grumpily. 

"Good news boss, we found your new ally" Ophiuchus Sam announced excitedly. 

"Great. So, where is he then?" Pig demanded. 

" be just a little while." Ophiuchus Sam said nervously as he looks over at his ally Rupes Oberon, who was having difficulty with the wormhole invention that first allowed their ally to escape the first time. 

"Why what's' the problem?" Pig asked with impatience in his voice. 

"We seem to have a little problem with the....machine" Ophiuchus Sam finished right after the invention blew up in Rupes's face like a small bomb. 

"Well how long is this going to take then to get it fixed?" Pig asked, annoyed. 

"A couple of days. Maybe a week" Ophiuchus answered winced, hoping that he won't yell at him for their failing attempt at finding their secret boss. 

"Whatever, just get it done and fast we don't have a lot of time left. 'They' (the Loonatics team) could be here any minute and we don't have enough members to take them down just yet." Pig said in a half-panicked tone. 

"Don't worry boss, we will we just need more time" Ophiuchus tries to persuade in a plea. 

"Fine I will you give you the whole week from today but if you don't produce your allies by then, I will make sure to have you two fed to the wolves. Don't disappoint me." Pig grouched out his warning as he hung up his phone in rage. 

"Everything okay boss?" Stoney asked from afar, as Pig looks over and sees everyone, including Duck staring at him, confused. 

Apparently they overheard most of his ranting and were confused with how he is at the moment. 

Pig then, puts on his brightest smile and laughs it off.

"Haha. Oh everything's fine. Just a little mad that our schedule will be a bit rusty that's all. I just need to clear my head. I'll be at the cellar if you need me." Pig announced as he heads downstairs of the underground area. 

At that point, almost everyone, was somehow convinced of his reassurances as they resumed back to their game and tinkering of the weapons.

All except for Duck, who knew the moment he made that nervous sound, that he had fibbed and grew concern for his old friend. 

He may be gullible to a lot of things but not lying. 

That was supposed to be his job.

He then decides to call off the game and gave them their money back, which was certainly a rare thing to do, and follows Pig to the cellar, hoping that he can talk to him and help out with whatever issues he was trying to hide from the others.  

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