Caspian looked at the woman, nearing closer.

"Stop!" Peter shoved past me and ran inside. Edmund and Trumpkin followed, all of them drawing their swords. The werewolf crawled over the Stone Table and attacked. So this was bad. I ran to help Edmund while the hag knocked Peter's sword out of his hand.

Edmund swung at the werewolf, and I jabbed it with my sword. The werewolf howled in pain. I looked over to see the woman who kept reaching towards Caspian.

"Come on..." She urged Caspian, reaching even more forward, but Peter pushed Caspian away and pointed his sword at her.

"Get away from him!" Peter shouted. The woman fell back a little.

"Peter dear... I have missed you." She crooned. "Come, just one drop." She reached towards Peter. "You know you can't do this alone." I thought Peter would stand tall but the power the woman held was strong.

Peter faltered.

"Cover me." Edmund looked at me as he ran off. I swung ferociously at the werewolf, finally putting him down.  I turned just in time to see the ice wall shatter like glass. Edmund stood behind with his sword still drawn.

"I know. You had it sorted." He told Peter, walking off. Peter had no response. Edmund then strode towards me. "We need to talk." He told me. I followed him outside. We stood a distance away from the guards so that they couldn't hear us. Once standing outside, he faced me. "Do you know what happened in there?" He asked.

"Not exactly. Was the woman in the ice some sort of evil power?" I questioned.

"She was the White Witch. We, along with Aslan, defeated her last time she was in Narnia." Edmund explained.

"What was she doing back?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Edmund glanced away for a moment. "I think she wanted to persuade us to use her help to defeat the Telmarines."

"You can't fight fire with fire, or the world will go up in smoke." I muttered.

"Exactly. Even if she did help, she'd turn on us right after. Or she'd just join the other side in the first place." Edmund nodded.

"I have to tell you something too." I said, twiddling my hands. Edmund looked at me. "I- I had a dream about Aslan. Even now I don't know if it was really him... but he told me that I had great power. And that when the time comes, I'll know when to use it." I told him what Aslan had told me.

"It could help us with the war... but last time you used it, you got hurt..." He took both of my hands in his own. "I don't want that happening again." He said quieter this time. I rubbed my thumbs in circles on the back of his hand.

"Everybody's fighting, Ed, everyone's making sacrifices... let me do my part." I whispered.

He pulled me into a hug then, resting his head on top of mine while I rested mine on his chest. I felt his heartbeat and felt stronger... calmer. "I'll let you do your part, but not for the sake of your life." He mumbled. I turned my head to the other side, melting deeper into the hug. I looked off into the distance to see the bright blue sky, the trees waving in the wind, and an army approaching.

My heart dropped.

"Ed!" I pointed over in the distance. He looked, squinting in the light.

His eyes widened suddenly. "Miraz..." He muttered in disbelief.

We parted from the hug and ran inside. We found Peter and Lucy talking in the main room.

"Pete, you'd better come quickly." Edmund called out. Peter was instantly up, running to look outside. We showed him the Telmarine army approaching. Miraz, in full armor, was riding in the front.

Miracle {Edmund X Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang