Chapter 24 || What soup do you want?

Comincia dall'inizio

I stared at him.

He threw his hands up in surrender "Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a twist. Just get packed."

"Tyler, I'm not going home. Not like this." I told him.

"Sarah, i get you have been having this pity party and all, but you can't avoid family! I'm not letting you do that." Tyler said, raising his voice.

"I feel like Christian Grey is pounding into my brain. I seriously don't want to be surrounded by my five loud, obnoxious, and rambunctious siblings. You know how that is going to turn out? Me being cranky. There isn't a lot of room in our house and I don't want to share a room with Emily. Let me recover today. And tomorrow I will make it down into town." I said, sighing as I laid my head back down onto the couch cushions.

"Whatever. Do what you want," Tyler said with a huff.

I heard as he grabbed numerous things around the house. Getting some last minute packing done before he headed out the door. Once he was finally finished he came over to where I was lying on the couch.

"I'm heading out. Be careful when you drive down, there is a storm coming in tonight and the roads are sure to be slippery tomorrow."

"Okay," I croaked out.

"See ya. " He said, throwing his bag over his shoulder and heading towards the door.


I heard Tyler let himself out when my phone started blowing up on the coffee table.

Sighing I picked it up, too tired to look at the number on the screen.

"What kind of soup do you like?" I heard a deep voice ask on the other end.

"What?" I croaked out.

"What kind of soup do you like?" he asked again.


"Yes. Now what kind of soup do you like?" he asked a third time.


"Sarah, I'm next in line, can you hurry it up?" He asked.

"Where are you?"

"Tim Horton's, what soup do you want?"

"Uhhh, is there chicken noodle?" i asked.


"Ill take that."

"Great." he replied.

"May I ask why you are buying me soup?"


And then he hung up on me.



When the doorbell rang I knew exactly who was on the other side.

It was kind of obvious.

Sighing I dragged my butt off the couch, and started walking towards the door. My headache growing stronger with each step I took.

When I reached the door I yelled, well more liked croaked. "What the hell do you want?"

"I brought your soup." Was his stupid ass response.

"Leave it in front of my door. I'll get it once you leave."


Cursing, I opened the door, swinging it open to find Noah standing with coffee in the one hand, and a bag of food in the other.

"Peace offerings." he said.

I snorted.

I really needed to stop doing that, it was kind of hard though, especially when you are constantly surrounded by dumbness.

I turned around and walked back into my apartment and flopped back onto the couch.

Why i let him in baffles me. Oh right, I really wanted that soup.

"So any specific reason why you are here?" I asked, grabbing the remote of the coffee table, starting to flip through the channels.

"You were sick, I came to take care of you."


As promised! Here is the update :D Hope y'all liked that little short story earlier ;) So what do y'all think? This chapter good? Sorry it took me so long to update. I have been super stressed lately. i got a ton of homework for march break, and i was on vaca for half of it, then i got sick. And well this march break has not been ideal :/

Anyways! If you liked I woud appreciate if you would vote! and comment... comments would be great! I love hearing from you guys :D


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God Bless,


P.S. How was you guys-es march breaks?

An Alpha's BiteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora