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"Y/N idk what to do! I mean my idol asked me out! I need help!!!" Hailey walked in and Sat down on my couch , I sat down next to her.

"Okay Hailey... your fine I'll help you get ready what time are you supposed to get there?" I asked as I try to comfort her.

"Uhh 6:30... he said wear something nice! Y/N I dont have anything nice to wear!" She told me.

"I might have something nice for you to wear Hails." I told her.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes really now let's give you a make over." I pulled her off the couch and I dragged her into my room and I looked through my closet to see if I can find anything for her to wear. I found Black Tight Jean's and a long green shirt. I hand them to her and she got changed into them.

"Okay well this looks casual" Hailey said as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"Okay are you supposed to wear something sexy or cute?" I asked her.

"Well he said hes taking me to this party in town and he wants me to wear something cute." She told me.

"Okay you should have started off with that." I giggled and went back in my closet to find her a cute dress I then took out a tight black dress that hugs her curves, strapless, showing a bit skin, and super cute. I gave it to her and she got changed into it.

"Okay Y/N this is Sexy not cute!" She said looking in the mirror.

"Well your going to a party and Chris only said Cute so all the other guys wont come up to you but if you wear Sexy you will get in Chris's pants in no time!" I told her.

She turned around too look at me, "Thanks Y/N, can you do my makeup?" She asked.

I laughed and said "Sure," I went in the bathroom and took my makeup out the bathroom then I took a chair out so she can sit on it. She sat on it and I did her makeup... nothing sexy just Bight red lipstick with smokey eyes... Nothing sexy!

I looked at the time and it said 6:20... August should be home by now, that's also means Hailey has 10 minutes to get to her date with Chris.

"You should get home before Chris gets there and your not home!" I told her.

"I told him I'll be at your place when it's time, he said okay and yes I did tell him your address." She told me.

"Okay well your ready! All you need is the shoes!" I grabbed black heals and gave it to her.

Someone knocked on the door and we assumed it was Chris so Hailey put the heals on and grabbed her purse. Before she walked out she gave me a quick hug, "Thanks again Y/N."

"Your welcome." I hugged her back and she walked out.

I sat down in the couch watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, soon enough I heard another knock on the door so I got up and opened it only to find Sebastian standing at the door way.

"Can we talk Y/N?" Sebastian asked.

"Uhh yeah, come in." I got out the way so he can walk in, he walked in and we stayed quiet until he said something.

"Did I do something? Did I say something to you to kick me out the house like that?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

"What? No... Hailey came here so I can help her get ready for her date with Chris... she said she was gonna come here and I freaked out because I didn't know if you wanted her to know about us yet... so I kicked you out." I told him as I got closer so I can grab his hands.

"I dont want to be a secret Y/N... I want to be someones boyfriend and get married to them when I feel like their the right one... I want to have children and I want to-"

"Stop... well i dont know if I'm ready to tell them we are together." I told him.

"Well you dont have too... were not together anyways." I looked at his eyes and they seem hurt and betrayed. "I'm gonna go... Sorry for wasting you time." He then walked out and I didn't even try to stop him...

My phone went off it was a text from August.

Aug: Hey sorry I didnt come back home! Skylar asked me out and I said yes so we went out and he asked me to stay at his house again so I said yes... you got the house to yourself.

I ignored that and I got a text from Baileys Mother.

Bails Mom: Hey... Bailey is in the hospital... She got into a severe car crash and she got injured badly.

Me: I'm coming right now!

I didnt bother waiting for Baileys mom to text again, I just took my bag and headed out... I didnt care if I had shoes on or not.

Once I arrived at the hospital I ran inside and saw Baileys parents I went up to them and hugged them.

"How is she?" I asked them.

"Shes still in Surgery..." Baileys mom said.

Hours went by and the doctor walked up to us.

"The surgery went very well, shes resting right now but you guys can go see her." The doctor told us.

I didnt look around the room to notice Hailey was here... she probably just come in 2 hours ago because I heard Baileys parents talking to someone but i didn't know who because didnt care.

We went up to Baileys room and when we go their... Bailey had a lot of plugs on her and I just let out a Sob once I saw her... I didnt care who was around or who saw... I let it out and I sat down on the chair next to her... Hailey was also crying, sitting on the other side of her.

Soon after Bailey woke up and looked around the room to see me and Hailey next to her and her parents at the end of the bed, I was looking at the ground to noice her awake and Hailey was sleeping to notice.

"Hey..." Bailey spoke.

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