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3rd person pov:
"Yes Kandhi?"
"W-what did you do?"
Yuni looked down, her hands covered in blood, her eyes crazed, and giggling to herself.
"Kandhi don't you see? They were in the way.~" Yuni laughed.
"In the way of what?!"
Tears streaming down Kandhi's face.
"In th e w a y of ou r-"
Beep Beep Beep Beep~
Kandhi jolted up, she looked around in a panic, she wasn't dreaming anymore. Breathing a sigh of relief she stopped her annoying alarm on her phone and stretched. She looked around and saw her school clothes on her computer desk, her dad must have washed clothes when he came home. She got up and and changed out of her pjs and into her school clothes, underneath them she saw a new pair of black thigh high stockings. She squealed excitedly and put them on in a hurry. She then ran downstairs looking for her dad only to not find him, she saw a note on the living room table and read it.
"Hey honey, I had to leave really early today, I'm sorry, I won't be able to take you to school, but I promise I'll make it up to you. You can stay home if you'd like, I know you're not familiar with the town yet. Love you.

Kandhi sighed and got her phone out.

Kandhi: Hey Yuni, are you still home?

Yuni: Yeah I'm about to walk out the door, why?

Kandhi: My dad left early and I was wondering if we could walk to school together.

Yuni: Of course! I'll be over in about 2 steps! :)

Kandhi laughed slightly at that and slipped on her shoes, she had almost completely forgotten about breakfast, she quickly rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a poptart and opened the door. Yuni smiled and Kandhi smiled back. She closed the door and locked it.
"I love your stockings, they compliment your uniform so nicely." Yuni gushed, giggling a bit.
"Thanks Yun, my dad got them for me." Kandhi replied, she mentally slapped herself for calling Yuni "Yun".

Yuni didn't mind, she thought it was cute.

Once they made it to school they walked into the cafeteria to wait for the bell to ring, Yuni led Kandhi to the lunch table they sat at the previous day. Yuni smiled as she admired Kandhi's features, she loved the way she looked at that moment.
"Yuni!" Kandhi laughed "Are you okay?" Kandhi thought she was spaced out and not actually staring at her.

"Yeah! Yeah I'm fine, just uh, lost in thought I guess." She responded, chuckling nervously.

"Were you thinking about someone.~" Kandhi teased.

"I was not!" Yuni yelled and started blushing.

"Ooo~ Yuni, has a crush on someone.~" Kandhi continued.

Yuni just groaned in embarrassment and covered Kandhi's mouth.

"Let's...just not talk about it." She suggested.

Kandhi laughed and nodded. Yuni thought Kandhi's laugh was cute and giggled a little. That sparked something in Kandhi that made her a bit frightened, she had recalled her dream and replayed that same giggling she heard and compared the two; they sounded the same.

Now this would seem like something unnecessary to another person, but to her, it was bone chilling. Kandhi tried to shake it off and think nothing of it, her dream could've just been something that her fucked up mind mixed up; after all she did watch hundreds of horror movies throughout her life.

Ring Ring Ringgg~

The bell had rung. Yuni got out of her chair and held her hand out to Kandhi for her to take it. Kandhi smiled and took it happily as they skipped to class like little kids, giggling idiotically. Once they got to class they sat down in desks next to each other and got their things out for class. Kandhi was writing down note while Yuni was looking around, she caught her eye on this guy that wouldn't stop staring at Kandhi, she knew who this guy was too. Evan, he had dark brown hair, a side cut with his hair laying on the right side of his head, mysterious grey eyes, a sharp jawline, perfect face, an average muscular body, and wealth to spend; he was what everyone would call "perfect". Yuni growled lowly and just hoped that he was looking to talk to Kandhi. Yuni turned her attention to the teacher and tried catching up on the notes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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