His Karma - Percy Weasley

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Weasley was starting to sob again. Percy was willingly hurting his family and turning his back on them. This had to stop.

- I'll find him and stop this nonsense once and for all. - I say hugging Mrs. Weasley.

Stepping onto the fireplace I say The Leaky Cauldron's address. Finding myself in London I make my way to the Ministry, the only place Percy steps foot around here.


After months of preparations for this moment, no one seemed ready. Who would be? After apparating to Hogwarts that evening I saw Percy for the first time since the argument at the Burrow. He hadn't gone to the Ministry that day, nor did he wrote, saw or spoken to me since. Whenever I was at the Burrow he wasn't, not that he would go there at all. He had ignored me just as much as he ignored his family, leaving his parents both sad and disappointed.

Blood was everywhere, the fire was starting to be out of control and the massive destruction was sighted all over the Hogwarts' grounds. The Quidditch pitch was burnt to the ground, Hagrid's home was a pile of bricks and the front patio of the castle was torn apart, filled with dark wizards, trolls and creatures from various kinds.

Fighting seemed a bit too hard by now, there were cuts all over my body, my arm was dislocated, a massive headache almost blinded me as I went casting spell after spell, permanently injuring many dark wizards in my path.

And then it all stopped, my body gave up and I finally passed out. As I regained consciousness, many hours after, voices were erupting from everywhere.

- People are coming to the front doors, hurry we must see!

I try to get myself up, as my eyes get used to the lights I can only gasp in horror. Rows and rows of dead bodies filled the main hall. So many emotionless faces, their bodies rigid, a sight so awful that would give me nightmares for countless years. But I only think of him, and I run outside.

Hagrid appears carrying Harry's body in his large arms, and he had that same expression as many others had. Death didn't really suited the human being.

But it's not him that my eyes get caught up with. Molly Weasley is screaming full lungs while Arthur and her children secure her. In front of us there's the only wizard I could ever love with such intensity I felt I could just burst with happiness.

But it was all but a happy sight, he knelt before him, the one who was causing all this pain and suffering. Voldemort had a reckless expression as he pointed his wand to Percy.

Percy was almost unconscious, his body language showed exactly how much he had suffered. Many cruciatus curses were used on him, as well as other spells from battle. He was alive, but barely at this point.

- You were such a brilliant and obedient child, such a waste of magical blood. And for what? To stand by Harry Potter's side? Now you'll pay the price. - Voldemort said furiously.

- NO! - I run to Percy, getting myself between him and the wand.

Shouts of despair emerge from behind us while his followers simply stay silent. He looks me deeply in the eyes, a grin so awful forming in his mouth while he caresses my face with the tip of his wand.

- You reckless child! You made me remember of someone, you know? - he says calmly - A girl so full of love, devoting herself to the other part of her, only to die for him. My precious Lily Potter, the woman that made all of this come true. - he says pointing at the destruction - If she had simply let me kill her child, she could've been alive to this day. But just as she did, you are putting yourself in between what I want. - he takes a step back - And I always get whatever I want.

Percy holds my leg, trying to prep himself up, his head clear now, understanding his surroundings.

- Please Y/N step away, I don't want to lose you.

- I love you Percy. - I say without getting my eyes off of Voldemort's amused gaze.

- Avada Kedavra!

A scream so horrid, so deep and powerful is all I hear before life just fades away. I feel it slipping through my fingers as his scream destroys me completely, a sound so painful it might never leave my ears even in afterlife.

And I know I was his karma, for everything he did wrong, time collected his prize, balancing nature once more. It was too my karma for loving him but still, I will always remember him as the boy who sweetly sang me lullabies when the worst nightmares clouded my head, and I didn't mind.

Because karma comes to us all, even you Voldemort, just wait for it.

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