"I'm feeling a bit left out." Koro-sensei said, turning his gaze to the ground in a saddened manner.

"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period?" Karasuma reminded him as he pointed at the sandbox behind them, "Go play in the sandbox or something."

Koro-sensei found himself in the sandbox shorty after, crying while playing in the sand, "You're so mean, Karasuma-sensei. I'll have you know that my students happen to like my P.E activities!"

"Yeah, right." Sugaya let out a sigh as the class stopped what they were doing and looked at their teacher, "Your physical abilities are too far out there."

Y/N could only nod his head in agreement. Koro-sensei's PE lessons reminded him how much out of shape he was as if the long walk up the mountain didn't already did a good job at doing so. Good thing he had already gotten used to it at this point and didn't have as much difficulty with walking to his school building as he did during his first day.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?" Sugino asked, standing next to Sugaya.


Koro-sensei was standing in front of his students, wearing his usual P.E outfit as the time for another P.E lesson has come. He was standing right on one of the three white lines that were drawn on the ground.

"Now, let's try jumping from side to side." He began, "I'll show you how it's done, so watch and learn!"

He started moving side from side, jumping from one white line to another, using his super speed to do so.

The same thought flew through his students minds as they all cried out at the same time, "Are you kidding me!?"

"Once you get the hang of it." Koro-sensei said, starting to do the cat's cradle as he proceeded to move from one side to another, "You can add in some cat's cradle."

"Wow! He's seriously good!" His students responded at the same time.

Flashback End

Nakamura smiled and folded her arms, "He's in a class of his own."

"We're human beings, you know." Sugino voiced his mind about this subject, "I for one think that our teacher should be one too."

"Okay, let's get back to it." Karasuma told them as Koro-sensei became even more depressed once he heard his students comments about his P.E lessons.

"But is there any point to all this training, Karasuma-sensei?" Maehara asked his new P.E teacher, "And should we be doing it right under our target's nose?"

"Assassination follows the same principle as studying. Drill the basics and they'll serve you well." Karasuma replied as he shifted his gaze between Maehara and Y/N, "Maehara, L/N, step forward." Y/N and Maehara exchanged looks as they stepped forward from the rest of their class and stopped in front of their teacher, "Try to strike me with those knives."

"Are you sure?" Y/N's eyes widened a bit as he was suprised by the request.

"As a team?" Maehara asked as Y/N nodded his head to his question.

"They're harmless to humans, so don't worry." Karasuma explained as he loosened his tie, "If you can touch me, even lightly, you may all go home for the day."

Y/N exchanged a look with Maehara as they got themselves in the fighting stance. The exchange student let out a soft inhale and exhale, readying himself to strike his teacher. His skills with his knife may have been far away from perfect, but he'll try his best.

Student Exchange Program Gone Weird (Assassination Classroom x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now