
Your eyes looked up only to be met with a panicked Chifuyu who was running towards you.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" He breathed, heavily inhaling in and out as he looked at you with worry.

You quickly took your hands off your nose as you forced a smile on your face ignoring the burning sensation on your nose.

"Yeah, I'm fine" You smiled, pretending to be fine as you didn't want him to feel bad for his actions. If it was anyone else, you would have cursed them in your mind for not being careful enough, but in this case, it was Chifuyu so he was easily forgiven. Plus, to be fair it was partly your fault for not paying attention as well.

Chifuyu stared at you, slightly sweat dropping as he continued. "But your nose—"

"It's alright it doesn't hurt," You insisted, not wanting him to worry about you. Suddenly, you felt a warm sensation leaking from your nose flowing down your face, dripping off your chin, onto your chest staining your white uniform.


"It's bleeding." He finished off as your face immediately started burning after you realised. You clasped your hand over your nose, attempting to stop anymore blood from leaking and dirtying your shirt.

How embarrassing. You thought to yourself, as you shut your eyes closed not wanting to face the other male. You probably looked ridiculous with a bleeding nose.

You turned around to look away from him but you were stopped halfway through as you were pulled back. Chifuyu wrapped his hands around your wrist as he pulled you towards him, his hands holding tightly onto your wrist as he began to drag you away.

"I'll take you to the infirmary to get you treated." He spoke as he looked at your widened eyes.

"Sensei! I'm going to take L/N to the infirmary!" The blonde announced to your PE teacher as he nodded in approval before you two walked out of the indoor sports court. His body dragged you away as you slightly struggled following behind him. His hands gripped onto your wrist for the entire trip as you stayed flustered behind him.

doki doki doki....

The two of you eventually got to the infirmary before Chifuyu knocked twice on the door, however he was met with silence. He knocked again and the result stayed the same. The male opened the door after getting a bit impatient as he looked inside only to see that it was completely empty, not a single teacher or student in the room.

"There's no one here." He let out a sigh as he pulled you inside. You followed behind him, your heart skipping a beat every few seconds as you took a small gulp.

"Chifuyu..." He looked at you after hearing his name as you gave him an awkward smile. "Your hands..."

His eyes trailed down to his hands only to notice that it was still holding onto yours. His eyes widened as he released his grip on you and looked away in awkwardness. "My bad." He apologised.

He had completely forgotten that he was holding onto you this entire time. You pulled your hands back to your chest as you looked at it, a small red mark formed from his hold, the feeling of his hand still lingering on your skin making your stomach tingle.

"Here, sit down first." He patted the back of the chair signalling you to sit down in which you did. The male scanned around the room before he spotted some wet wipes and handed it over to you for you to clean up your messy face.

"Thank you." You muttered to him as you took the wet wipes however you flinched in pain as you felt a small sting on your arm. You averted your attention to your arm before you noticed a pretty deep cut, most likely from when you were knocked into the chair earlier. The sharp parts underneath must have pierced through your skin.

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