Chapter 4: A Warm Welcome

Start from the beginning

Ren let out a sigh, remaining silent for a moment. "Well... if the slave owners ever decided that the collar wasn't enough... we had to find out how to patch ourselves up. Cause like hell we would get a doctor." She replied sadly as she moved some fur out of the way on her arm to show one of her many scars from her slave owner cutting her as punishment.

He was very sad to hear what Ren just told and showed him, his eyes pointed at the fairly thick scar on her arm that she hides with her fur... who knows how many scars she actually had.

"I'm sorry Ren..." he said softly, clearly regretting bringing this up, he didn't ever want to remind her of her past as a fur slave... and yet he continued to accidentally do just that.

Ren shook her head, moving the fur on her arm back over her scar so that it was once again hidden. "You have nothing to apologize for... you're nothing like those humans who would do this sort of thing to us." She replied, keeping her head down as she spoke.

"And yet I'm still human." John replied with an ashamed voice... words couldn't describe his hatred for his own kind for everything that they've done.

Ren glanced over at John and for a moment, she saw something else within him, something she couldn't understand or describe... it was just... something... but she shook it off and let out a sigh. "John, you're a human, yeah... but... I know you're not like those humans... you're a kind of human that I wish there were more of. Who knows how better the world would be if they were all like you." She said with a slight smile, meaning every word.

He was silent for a moment... but couldn't help a smile slowly form on his face as he listened to what Ren said... about him being a different kind of human. It gave him a sense of piece, knowing that Ren didn't see him as the same kind who tortured, killed and enslaved her own kind for hundreds of years now.

"Thanks Ren... means a lot." He said quietly but very gratefully before turning around with a sigh, opening up the back door for Aura, who hopped in quickly and layed down, clearly tired out after that fight.

"No problem." Ren replied with a kind, caring smile.

John then got to work swiping all of the snow off the windshield before walking around the truck, getting back into the driver's seat and starting up the engine.

"Maybe two more days or so until we get there... might be a little longer cause of the snow." He said before beginning to drive again, but slowly and carefully due to the deep snow.

Ren nodded her head, looking out the window as John drove. "We'll make it..." she replied with a hopeful voice, a small smile forming on her face.

"Yeah, we will." John replied very assuringly.


Pretty soon, another day had passed and John once again woke up in his truck with Ren straddling his lap, staying close to him so he could stay warm during the night.

He couldn't describe how relaxed he felt with Ren close to him in this way, a smile was plastered on his face and he kept his arms around her, choosing to cuddle with her a little longer.

But eventually, Ren began to stir and she slowly raised her head from John's shoulder, moving her hands to begin rubbing her eyes. "Morning." She said with a tired smile.

"Good morning." He replied happily, glancing out the window. He could tell that the snow was picking up, "Damn... might be a storm."

Hearing that, Ren glanced outside and sighed, nodding her head with agreement. "Might want to find some shelter then... I won't be able to keep you warm in this truck through a blizzard." She replied with concern.

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