Sheriff HCS

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This was requested by no one, just me being a simp.
Next I'll do Jebus and Phobos. If you want others just- ask.
The art above is mine, it isn't finished but it sucks. Also! Thanks for all the support it means alot to me. 7w7

•Sheriff might've meet you with the trio or just in danger, though he didn't trust you at all so you held you in a room or somethin..

•You did dislike how he flirted with you every now and then, it pissed you off. Alot if I must say,

•If the Sheriff ever let you out you'll have to stay in his office, maybe suffer with him flirting with you. You might've slapped him-

•If you ever asked to taste any food he is eating he'll start a whole make out session.

•If you ever piss him off he'll bodyslam you to the ground, no not the behide bodyslam I mean.. the KO bodyslam :)

•After him bodyslamming you to the ground he'll make sure your fine, which made you slap him or hit him on the head.

•The Sheriff will tease you nearly everytime he saw you, sometimes you wonder why you haven't escaped the dude yet.

•The sheriff might climb in bed with you when your asleep, you may wake up but in the end he'll make you fall asleep again.

•You should watch your back every now and then, The sheriff tends to come behide you holding your waist maybe planting a few hickeys. But I promise- you'll be fine- Unless..

•The sheriff tends to grab you placing you on his lap, if I was you never sit next to him or near him unless you want to sit on his lap.

•Hiding from the Sheriff is impossible, he'll find you either way even with his own troops. (Or agents.)

•Sometimes you'll steal his hat and mock his voice trying to piss him off but instead he laughs.

•Sometimes he will be a idiot to piss you off, like- pinning you on the floor or anything in general.

•Yes he will sometimes follow you to the bathroom, so i'll check if the doors are locked or check behide you often before you have a shower or a 'toilet break'.

•The Sheriff will lick your neck, so please don't leave a open space for him to do that. It doesn't end well-

•If your never going to forgive him what whatever he has done, he will keep annoying you until you accept his apology.

•If your taller then the Sheriff he'll cling onto you, if your smaller then em' he'll carry around nearly every where.

•Having Sheriff around isn't nice in my opinion, he just won't leave you alone unless one of his troops (agents) come in.

I- I Don't want to speak about these hcs, I couldn't come up with anything so I made it up all on the spot-

>Update 5th of September<
I feel embarrassed of these hcs, i'll redo them soon. Well ever hcs tbh- beside the hank with a child reader

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