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Hyunjin's POV

"The thing-" staff

"Is there any other idea? Aside from that? Will that change our rates? Does that make the product interesting? That's fucked up"

They all became quiet. I am at point here. They kept giving me the same idea with a different presentation. How will that change our rates? Our rates kept going low because of that idea and they are giving it to me again.

"Does that even make a difference? It's the same as before. I am paying you all double and you can't even give good ideas? That so fucked up everyone. Can you all think properly?"

"Sir" my secretary called and handed me the phone "Detective Chad just texted you. It seems urgent"

I opened the message.

From : Detective Chad

You have to go here. Hana's parents were both dead. She needs to go to her suite to rest. We are at their house.

"The meeting will end here. I am hoping you all will give me better ideas next time"

I eyed them one by one and left the conference room. All of the staffs kept greeting me as I walked pass them. I am wearing my uniform but that doesn't remove the respect they have for me as the CEO of this company. I drove to Hana's house as fast as I can.

Both dead? What happened? And why is Hana's Dad there? I mean he did something wrong to Hana. How can he go there? How did her Mom died? I wonder who the hell did that.

It must be you.

Detective Chad calling...

"I am on my way. How's Hana?"

[She doesn't want to leave but she has to rest. She just got out of the hospital]

"Why? She needed to stay at the hospital. Why did she decide to go home?"

[About Sanxia]

"I see. She cares for them"

[Be here as fast as you can. Hana needs to rest]

I ended the call and continued driving to Hana's house. Why the hell would she sacrifice her own health for the sake of others? If ever she is in danger, will they save her? Are they willing to risk their lives for her?

As I arrived, I saw a lot of police outside and some investigators which I am familiar with. Some of them interviewed us regarding the Sanxia crimes.

"Hyunjin" Detective Chad called

"Where is Hana?"

"There" Detective Chad said and pointed at Hana who is sitting on the truck's trunk "Mr. Yang went back to the hospital and requested for assistance regarding Hana's recovery"

"I'll take care of her"

He nodded at me. I went to Hana who is sitting alone, she is covered with blanket and was staring out of nowhere. Her eyes were puffy looks like she just cried.


She looked up to me "H-Hyunjin"

Without even hesitating, I hugged her tight and there, I felt her started crying. I hugged her as tight as I can as I caress her back. This is so crazy. How can something like this happen? If this would happen, I just hope she didn't met us. I hope she didn't went to Sanxia. I think that's better.

"Hyunjin will bring you to your suite and will stay with you until the nurse arrive" Jungkook told her and wiped her tears "Please take care of yourself. I want you to be safe"

Hana nodded and still sobbing "Y-You too"

"I'll take care of her. You don't have to worry. I'll update you as much as I can"

Jungkook gave me a smile.

I held Hana's arm to help her walk to my car. She is still sobbing and I understand what she feels. She lost her parents and that hurts more than a breakup.

As we got in the car, I drove to Sanxia Penthouse. She is quiet the whole ride and was staring at the window. I can hear her small sobs trying not to make a sound because she probably doesn't want me to hear it. What should I do?

We arrived at Sanxia Penthouse, the staff took care of my car while I guided Hana to her floor. She is really quiet the whole time. We entered her suite, she sat on the sofa. I gave her a glass of water and sat beside her.

"Hana, I know it's going to be hard but-"

"Dad tried to kill me but I never hoped that he'll die. I still prayed for his safety over and over again. After all he is my Father. Then Mom got involved because of my craziness. How can this happen to me at the same time?" she cried again

I caress her back "It wasn't your fault. Your Father can't change the fact that he is a criminal and will continue doing such. He will always go after you, your Mom and Jungkook no matter what you think. It was his decision and I think fate led him to his death. That means you deserve to be safe and be far from danger"

She stayed quiet and hugged me.

"It's okay to cry but don't make yourself suffer... I hate this"


"I hate seeing you hurt... Can you please promise?"

"Promise what?" she whispered between her sobs

"If ever we will not end up together, you won't let anyone hurt you. You deserve happiness, Hana"

She nodded.

"I am always hoping that you'll be happy even if it's not with me"

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