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"How the hell has a tonberry got into the city?" Gladio grumbled as he, Ignis and Prompto hurriedly made their way over to where the creature had been reported.
"Crawled up from the Crestholm Channels from what I hear," answered Ignis wisely. "How it's managed to get this far without causing any casualties is, quite frankly, a miracle."
"Don't say that Iggy, you'll jinx it." Prompto replied jovially as they bounded through the capital city. "I thought the kingsglaive had cleared out all the nasties down there anyway?"
"They still working on it I believe," Ignis replied. "That's why we're dealing with this while their forces are preoccupied in continuing that effort. Perhaps all the commotion is what disturbed the creature in the first place."
"Just around this corner now," Prompto anticipated.

The three of them drew their weapons as they neared, the offender now only metres away....
Gladio halted, followed by Prompto and a bewildered Ignis.
"This is no time to hesitate." Ignis urged irritability. His lack of vision meant he relied on the communication of his teammates, who had inexplicably stopped in their tracks.

"Is it....dead?" Prompto asked bewildered.
"How could it be dead when we haven't even-"
"Someone beat us to it." Gladio offered as a vague explanation.

Breathing heavily, you returned your weapon to it's holster, the monster now safely subdued. Looking around to ensure no one was injured, you spotted the three men across the courtyard, each looking incredulous.

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