My New Friend and Ex

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~*~*~*~*~*~ A/N~*~*~*~*~

there may be some foul language, bloody scenes, and lemon in this fanfiction, i am letting you all know as of now so i dont get spammed with rage comments, anyways, i hope you enjoy my lovelies >3<


your name is (y/n) (l/n), you woke up every morning in pain due to the beatings you received from your current boyfriend and hated the fact that you'd have to deal with him during school as well as after and whenever you'd see him outside of school. you lived with your parents and had a good life except for the fact that.... Well, you always felt like you were being watched and the beatings didn't help with that. Your parents have no idea whats been happening with you and your boyfriend, when they asked you about it you just told them that there was a big fight after school that you were pulled into. You were a decent liar, you could lie to your parents but obviously not to your boyfriend or your best friend since elementary. You finally awoke and started getting your things for school ready. After putting your clothes on and doing your other daily tasks you got on the bus and put on your headphones, listening to your favorite band , (fave band name) as it drowned out the voices of the other immature kids (which were screaming foul words at the time) on the bus. Once you got to school your heart was shattered by the image displayed in front of you..... it was your boyfriend..... kissing someone else...... the girl you hated most in school to be specific.... at the sight of this something ignited inside of you and ran to him, slapping him across the face with eyes of pure rage whilst glaring daggers at him as you said the following word in disgust and pure anger "WHATEVER WE WERE, ITS OVER"!! After saying that he grabbed your wrist and tried to pull you back quickly pushing the other girl away and looking at you, uttering the following words "baby wait! i-i didn't want to kiss her!! she forced herself onto me"! The girl, who was now on the ground, looked at as if she were offended and growled " you ASSHOLE!! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME"!! she then slapped him and ran away, he begged at your feet but you kicked him away and walked to the bleachers to find your best friend.

~best friends view~

i saw (y/n) run under the bleachers so i, being her closest friend and all, ran after her. "(y-y/n)?! whats wrong.."? i calmly said as i sat beside her as she looked at me i gave her a comforting smile as she began to speak "i....i broke up with him....... i saw him kissing this girl and i don't know what happened all i know is that i just snapped and..... i ended it with him". a slight smirk crept up on my face as i said the following "he deserved it..heh... i'm surprised i didn't see him first and made his life a living hell..... you're too nice (y/n), if i were you i would have fuckinn killed 'im while i had the chance". i saw a slight smile on her face as she softly responded "i'm not nice, i'm scary"! She covered her nose and mouth as she looked at me with an angry expression as she let out a small rawr. i let out a small laugh and looked at her "i know you're my best friend and all but whenever you do that you look so damn adorable, i just cant resist the urge t-" she cut me off "DON'T YOU DARE TICKLE ME!!! " just as she said that i began tickling her and her cheerful laughter filled the air, i smiled brightly until i noticed that we were going to our classes. i stopped and got up "come on, i need to take you to class and then haul ass to mine" i said smiling, giving her a hand and helping her up.

~(y/n)'s view~

i took my best friends hand as i stood up and began walking to class. i gave her a grumpy look for tickling me until i felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, looking slightly frightened, I turned my head only to see a boy a bit taller than me with medium length blond hair. he spoke "um... hey, I'm BEN, I recently came to this school, would you mind showing me around, I'd really like to be walking around with a girl as pretty as you" he smiled at me softly. a blush spread across my cheeks as I responded "um.... s-sure, I just have to go tell my teachers, you c--" at that moment my friend interrupted "AHEM! (y/n)! we need to go"! I looked at her and stuck my tongue out and looked at him, "I'll just tell my teachers and get you from your class.... which would be..."? he looked at the schedule the school gave him and said "ahhh....... roooom 209 B". I looked at him and smiled softly "hehehe, what a coincidence, I have he same class, c'mon, I'll show you around after the class". I said as I walked to to the class with my new friend BEN, I hope I can get to know him better soon...

hello lovelies, sorry for such a short chapter but I hope you like it so far, I'll try to write more for you all soon, love you all 😊

Jeff The Killer x Reader x BEN DrownedWhere stories live. Discover now