Strawberry Mentos

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Lenas POV

"I can't believe I actually agreed to doing this." I grumble as I look through my closet, "What do you even wear on a date?"

"Easy, you're going to the movies so something casual." Sam shrugs being the oh so helpful person she is. She's the entire reason I'm in this mess. "Oh! Wear that one purple sweater and a pair of jeans!"

"I suppose that could work..."

"You're welcome. Now hurry up, I don't want you to be late."

"Right." I mumble moving to my bathroom to change, "So what's her name again?"

"Kara Danvers. She's a cute blonde with glasses. You will be meeting her outside of the theater."

"And if she doesn't show?" I ask, a few of my insecurities slipping through.

"Then you get out of the date you didn't want to go on." Sam fills in easily, "But you won't have to worry about that because she will show up."

"Right... she'll show up..."


I arrive at the theater and see people entering and leaving. I don't see anyone standing outside the building that fits the description—granted I am ten minutes early— so I opt for leaning against the wall and pulling out my phone. Not even two minutes later I hear a bright angelic voice in my ear.

"Sorry to bother you but, are you Lena?" I look up and was met with bright blue eyes.

"Depends... are you Kara?" I shoot back raising one of my eyebrows.

She lets out a bright laugh that fits her appearance perfectly, "According to my birth certificate that is my name."

"Well it's nice to meet you Kara." I say formally—probably too formal for a date—as I extended my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Lena." I like the way my name sounds when she says it. Nit that it matters of course, "Do you mind if I give you a hug?"

"Oh... I suppose not..."

She gives me another smile gently hugging me. She seems naturally warm. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the heat once she pulled away.

"Shall we head inside?" Kara asks holding open the door nearby, "I don't know about you, but I actually like watching the previews." She adds with a nervous chuckle. It's honestly quite adorable.

"Don't worry, I enjoy them too." I smile entering the building.

"Really? Anyone I go out with always thinks they're boring."

"Same here!" I find myself easily falling into a conversation with the blonde as she immediately heads for the snack area.

"So, what your go to movie snack? Just know your answer will determine the rest of the date." She says going straight for the black licorice.

"First of all, ew. Second off all, strawberry mentos or the best snack when watching a movie." I say as I grab the said candy.

"Bold choice." She smiles, "Popcorn?"

"I don't really like the texture."

"Alrighty then, no popcorn, got it." She smiles heading to the check out.

"You can still get some if you want you know..."

"Or I can impress you with my restraint." She jokes, stealing the mentos from my hand, "Besides, the texture could linger in my mouth and I don't wanna risk it." I raise any eyebrow at that statement causing her to blush, "I mean not that I'm expecting you to kiss me at any point. Or well- I mean I would be opposed to the idea, it's just I don't wanna like force myself on you? Wait that sounds weird. I mean-"

"Kara, calm down. I was joking."

"Right..." Karas blush intensifies as she buys the snacks.

Kara leads the way to the correct theater and we take our seats as the previews start rolling. Kara immediately opens up the mentos popping a few in her mouth.

"Hey! I believe those are mine." I playfully scold.

"Sharing is caring Lena." Kara says very seriously as she swallows.

I playfully roll my eyes taking a candy and putting it in my mouth. Kara soon opens her licorice—no matter how gross it is—and starts munching away. Somewhere during the movie we had switched snakes. Kara had started eating the mentos and I got stuck with the licorice (which keep in mind, I only ate when it was a stressful scene).


"It's really not fair I got stuck with the licorice half way through." I grumble as We walk out of the theaters, "I don't even like the stuff."

"Then why did I see you eating it?" Kara challenged as she continued to stuff her face with mentos.

"I was stressed!" I weakly defend.

"So you stress eat. Noted."

We continued to playfully bicker as Kara drove me to my apartment. Kara tended to ask random questions to learn as many facts as possible. It was a surprisingly amazing date. I definitely wasn't expecting it. Kara had offered to walk me to the lobby at least and I mean, how could I refuse?

"Now, I'm gonna ask you a question, you have every right to say no." Kara says as we reach the elevator.


"I would really like to kiss you, so would that be okay with you?" Kara and appeared fairly confident the entire time, but you can definitely hear a few nerves slipping through as she asks.

"Well, lucky for you, I kinda wanna kiss you too."

Kara smiles for what seems like the millionth time that night. She leans the few inches down connecting our lips. I taste the sweetness from the strawberry mentos she had been eating all night. The sweet taste was mixed with something that could only be described as Kara. I took not at the softness of her lips and how gentle she was, careful not to overstep any boundaries. The kiss was... the kiss was pleasant. When she pulled away I couldn't help the small pout that played on my lips.

Of course Kara gave one of her never ending smiles, "My plan worked." She said it so simply, as of it was obvious.

"I'm sorry?" I ask slightly tilting my head.

"Well I knew I was gonna want to kiss you but you said ew when I chose black licorice. Now it would have been weird to put it back so I had to steal your candy so you would actually enjoy the kiss."

"But that meant I had to eat the licorice anyway."

"That was collateral damage. Plus then you tasted like my favorite candy."

"You're a tricky one Kara Danvers." I smile as she just shrugs.

"I only use my tricks on the girls I really like." She says with a wink, "See you later?"

"I suppose you will." I smile stepping into the elevator.

As soon as the door shuts I do—something very uncharacteristic—a little happy dance. I'll be seeing her again. I walk into my apartment seeing Sam sitting there expectantly.

"So? How'd it go?" She probes.

"Is it too soon to say she's the one?" I say slightly wincing at how cliché I sound.

"I knew she'd be perfect! So how did you know?"

I cover my face with embarrassment as I answer, "She made sure she'd taste like my favorite candy when she kissed me."

"Now that's just adorable."

"Shush up!" I grumble plopping on my couch, "Also, remind me To buy black licorice tomorrow."

"Why? You hate black licorice."

"I know."

"It's her favorite candy, isn't it." Sam says with a knowing smirk.

"That's besides the point."

"I'm totally planning your wedding."


Strawberry MentosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora