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When Shikamaru rushed into Tsunade's office unannounced, holding her sickly looking apprentice, she panicked.

Why would she be unconscious?

What had transpired.

Tsunade threw all the papers off her desk to make room for Sakura to lay down. She began to use her medical ninjutsu to survey the damage done on Sakura's body - though if you asked her what she had done, she would tell you the whole moment was but a blur to her.

Tsunade quickly realized the problem was an overdose of pills - specifically the ones she herself prescribed to her student.

Guilt flooded her, she should've realized what was going on. She should have stopped this. There was no denying that Tsunade was neglecting her apprentice, which only made the teacher feel worse, knowing that she played a role in this.

Minutes later, after Tsunade began to pump Sakura's stomach, she finally stabilized her.

She rushed to the hospital and ordered the nurses to get Sakura a room, and keep 24/7 watch on her. Someone must always be with her, in case she arises from slumber.

Tsunade wanted to know the reason why Sakura did this, she wanted an explanation - even if she already knew the answer.

Letting the nurses take care of Sakura's condition, she decided to head to said girl's apartment in search of answers.

Arriving at the small home, Tsunade walked through the front door with no difficulty. It was strange that it was unlocked, no ninja ever left their doors unlocked.

The home stunk of a stale scent and blood. Tsunade cringed at the scent, but continued forward.

Her insides twisted the further into the apartment she walked. The scent only strengthened, and so did Tsunade's urge to turn around and run out the door.

As she ventured further into the small home, Tsunade went into Sakura's room. The sight brought tears to the Hokage's eyes.

Wrinkled blankets lay on the bed, and the imprint of Sakura's body still there. An open nightstand drawer messily strewn broken glass that used to accompany the picture of team seven.

Tsunade didn't even dare to enter the bathroom, scared of the sight she would find.

A stack of white caught her eyes as she eyes the homeowners bed. Sakura had written them all letters. Tsunade assumed the letters would hold information, so she grabbed them and booked it back to the hokage's tower.

6:31 PM

Tsunade had been sitting blankly in her office, scared to open her given letter. She had alerted everyone else who had received one to come immediately to her office.

Gathering up her courage, she opened it.

Dear Tsunade,

I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I could never have succeeded as a kunoichi for this long without you.

At the beginning of our training, I will admit I was scared of the intensity it would involve. Now though, I am nothing but grateful to you. You opened my eyes to what it truly means to be a ninja of Konoha - I no longer had to be the same scared little girl I grew up as. I could hold my own, and it was all because of you.

You are, and always have been, a very admirable person. Your strength and beauty was always something I strived to achieve. You were always a pillar of hope for young girls out there - they knew that women were not as weak as they were made out to be, we can be just as strong as the men out there if given the opportunity to show it.

I also feel as though I owe you, and the whole hospital, an apology. There are no excuses for how Gracie's procedure was performed, it was completely my fault. I should not have operated when I knew I wasn't in the correct headspace too.

I take full responsibility for my actions, and I completely understand the punishments given to me.

I'm sorry, it was my fault she died, I was trained better than making mistakes such as that.

I also want you to know that my death is not your fault. I simply am unable to put up with this life anymore. I've lost my will to get out of bed, to eat, to do anything really. I feel alone. I feel worthless. I don't want to burden anyone with my life anymore.

I hope you can forgive me for all that I've done.

Again, thank you for teaching me, for being my second mother - especially after my own died. Thank you for your guidance, and for being an impeccable role model, even with your sake addiction.

I love you and I'm sorry,


Tsunade could not stop the overflow of tears from leaving her eyes. She knew there was more she could have done for Sakura, she knew she could have helped her.

Without warning Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi walked through her door. She quickly wiped her tears trying, but failing, to look more composed.

"Granny, what's wrong?" Asked Naruto, though Tsunade wasn't surprised by this question, considering her current state. Tsunade simply shook her head, which quickly silenced Naruto and put concerned looks on Kakashi and Sasuke's faces - even if Sasuke tried to cover it up.

She would not share the news of Sakura's attempt until everyone had arrived. Everyone being Ino, Sai, and Hinata.

Everyone showed up within five minutes, and Tsunade took a deep breath in preparation.

"Sakura is in the hospital due to an intentional overdose."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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