Too many things

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up everyone was there. They were all watching Mickey Mouse.

"Hey guys look, {Y/n} is awake." My headache was gone but my throat still hurt. They all asked at once,

"How are you feeling {Y/n}?"

"I'm fine, just stop being so loud, or else my headache will come back." Soda kissed my forehead gently. 

"Soda, I don't think I can move. You might be stuck here all night," I giggled. 

I had on a crop top, I had a small tattoo on my lower back. Dally noticed it saying, 

"Hey guys look, {Y/n} has a tattoo!" They all looked at the tattoo. 

"First of all, Dallas stop looking at my ass. Second, do any of you have a problem with it? If you do get out of my house." 

"I think it's kinda hot doll face." I got up off of Soda. 

"Remember how I said I would cough on you, well now's your 3-second warning to run!" Dallas opened the door and I chased after him. I chased him down the street and finally tackled him. 

"Y'know doll if we were in bed right now-" I cut him off by coughing on his face. Then, I slapped him.  I got off of him and ran back home. When I got inside, they were still in the same spots as before. 

I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Soda came into the bathroom. He pulled the hair out of my face and rubbed my back. 

"Why did I do that?" 

"I don't know, what did you think would happen? You're going to be ok." I threw up more. 

"Remind me next time I'm sick to not do that."

"Ok, we can get it tattooed on your forehead." I laughed at him. He handed me a towel. 

I wiped my face with it and laid on the floor. 

"You don't have to sit with me if you don't want. You can go sit with the rest of the gang." 

"No, it's fine, I'd rather be with you anyways." He laid down next to me. 

Darry walked into the bathroom and shut the door. 

"Ok, we need to talk." I sat up and started to throw up again. 

"I know you two had sex. Now, I'm fine with it as long as you guys use protection." 

"Darry, I don't think it's the time to be talking about this." Soda looked at him. I laid back on the floor.

"Darry, I'm on birth control. I take it every day." 

"Are you sure? From what I'm seeing you're throwing up." 

"I just chased Dal down the road, then I ran back. I'm also sick." I sat up like I was going to throw up again, but I didn't. I felt like I had to but I couldn't, maybe because I hadn't eaten anything all day. 

"Darry, I'm not going to have this conversation with you. Now either go to the living or get out of the house. Soda can you get me water?"

"Fine, I guess I'll go sit with the guys." Soda came back with a glass of water. I wiped off my mouth. I sipped the water. 

I got up and grabbed my toothbrush. I put on some toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. When I finished, I rinsed out my mouth with some of the water. I finished my water and put the glass in the sink. The whole time Soda was following me around. I stood with him in the kitchen. 

"Is it wrong to kick them all out? I'm tired, and I don't want to deal with them." 

"I mean, I wouldn't complain if you did." I walked into the living room.

"Everyone out, no one is crashing on the couch." They all got up and walked out. I left the door unlocked just in case. 

"Ok, ready to see what I made for you?" 

"Of course! I can't wait." 

I closed my eyes, and he led me into the bedroom. When we got there I opened my eyes. He built a fort for us to sleep in. I crawled into the fort, Soda followed. 

"How did I get so lucky?" I kissed Soda's cheek. He started to kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan. Then, a knock came at the door. 

"Ugh, I'll be right back." I kissed him and went to open the door. 

"{Y/n}, I'm scared. I had the worst dreams." 

"It's ok Ponyboy, it wasn't real." I hugged him. 

"If you want, you can lay down with Soda and me." 

"I would like that, thank you {Y/n}." He went and laid next to Soda. I got in next to Ponyboy, who was in the middle. Pony fell asleep when he felt safe with me and Soda. I whispered to Soda,

"Look, I'm sorry, but the poor kid had a nightmare. I couldn't just leave him." 

"It's ok. I'm not mad." I kissed his cheek gently. 

I turned my back to Ponyboy and fell asleep. 

Soda's POV

All I could think of was how much I loved {Y/n}. I told Ponyboy before that I wanted to marry Sandy, but now I realize I want to marry {Y/n}. I know she's not going to cheat on me. She loves me, I hope. I couldn't sleep so I got up, I went to the living room and turned the TV on. Every thought I ever had was rushing through my head. I wanted to wait till Pony was out of school. I wanted to wait till I thought {Y/n} was ready. I can't tell Darry, he would think it's too soon. Steve wouldn't understand. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. 

Y/n's POV

When I got up I heard the TV on. I went to go see who was here. Soda fell asleep on the couch. I bent down and kissed his forehead. 

"Wake up sleepy head." He wasn't waking up.

"I'm going to sit on you if you don't wake up." He opened his eyes and smiled at me. 

"Good morning beautiful, how's Ponyboy?" 

"He's fine. He is a little shaken up because he had a nightmare. The poor kid woke me up sobbing. I took care of it tho." 

"That happens sometimes, I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologize, you know I love Ponyboy. Plus, I like taking care of kids of any age. Now go get ready for work, you're going to be late." He stood up and kissed me. 

"When I get home later {Y/n}, I need to talk to you."

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