Sick Day

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All of a sudden, Soda came running out of the house. He ran to my house and slammed the door. 

"I'll go talk to him." I grabbed Steve by the back of his shirt. 

"No, it's my house, he is basically my boyfriend, I'll talk to him." I ran across the street. When I walked inside I went into the bedroom.  

"Soda, what happened?" He had his face down in a pillow. 

"{Y/n}, He hit me. Darry hit me. The last time Darry hit someone was Ponyboy, I know he didn't mean it. It really hurt." I couldn't see his face. 

"Turn around, please Soda, I want to make sure you aren't hurt." He turned around, he had a huge red mark across his cheek. 

"Oh, you poor baby, I'll get you some ice." I went to the fridge and grabbed an ice pack. 

"Here you go." I gave him a gentle smile, "I know what will make you feel better." I crawled into the bed and laid on his chest. "Soda, I have a question? Will you be my um... boyfriend?"

"Do you even have to ask that! Of course, I'll be your boyfriend." I got off his chest and looked at him. I kissed him, he put his hand on my waist. 

"Wow {Y/n}, you're totally talking to him." I pulled away from the kiss. 

"Fuck off Steve." I took off my shoe and threw it at him. I took off my other shoe and threw it at the door, it closed. I curled up into a ball next to Soda. He put the throw blanket on top of me,

"Babe, I have to go talk to Darry. I love you." He flashed me his movie star smile. 

"I love you too." When I knew he was out of the house I got up. I figured I would clear a drawer for him. 

I took all my shirts out of the dresser drawer. I had a wardrobe in my room. I put all my shirts on hangs. I had just enough hangers, so they all fit. I picked up a box that said 'records'. I pulled out my record player, putting it on the little table next to my beanbag chair. I plugged it in and put on a record. I picked up Soda's bag off the floor and put everything in the drawers. I folded everything as well. 

I went into the bathroom to take a shower. Well, I actually want to take a bath, but I didn't want anyone to come in. I took a quick shower and heard Soda come back. I went into the bedroom to change. It was 9:30 P.M. I put on some pajamas. I went over to the record player and shut it off. Soda still had the ice pack on his face but he was asleep. I took the ice pack off and put it into the freezer. I went back and got into bed. Before I went to sleep, I kissed Soda's forehead. 

Soda's POV

When I woke up I heard the TV on. I got up to go see who was in the living room. Dally was sitting on the couch, "You know when she wakes up, you're dead right?" 

"Whatever man, I just didn't want to go to BUck's party last night. Darry seemed too pissed to let me stay, so I didn't." 

I walked back into the bedroom and snuggled up with {Y/n}. I thought she looked a little pale, I was also surprised she wasn't awake yet. I held her gently and kissed her forehead. I got up to grab a wet cloth for her head. 

"Dal, I think {Y/n} is sick. I'm gonna stay home today." 

"Tell her to suck it up, that's what I would do."

After I grabbed the wet cloth I went back in and placed it on her forehead gently. 

She started to wake up. 

Y/n's POV

"Soda, I don't feel good." I had a headache and my throat was sore. 

"I know, I'm gonna stay home with you."

"No go to work, I don't want you to miss a day just because of me." 

"I can take a half-day, I feel horrible for leaving {Y/n}." I hugged him tightly. 

"Don't feel sorry, I will be ok. Now go get ready because you are already late." He got up and looked for his clothes. 

"Middle drawer, I made you a drawer so you had someplace to put your clothes, think of it as a birthday gift." 

He grabbed clothed and changed. He bent down and kissed me before leaving. 

"I love you beautiful, I'll be back at 12:30." 

"I love you too." I fell back to sleep. I woke up to someone shaking me. 

"Wake your lazy ass up," Dally was here. 

"Go away Dal, I'm sick. If you don't watch it I'll cough on you." I got up and went to the bathroom. I could feel him look at my ass.

"Stop looking at my ass! Fucking perv." I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door in his face. I went pee and laid down on the bathroom floor. 

"Come on {Y/n} I didn't mean it."

"No Dal, just tell me when Soda is home." I was laying on the floor for another hour. I was just staring at the ceiling. Soda finally came home. 

"{Y/n}, Soda's home." I got up and unlocked the bathroom door. Then, I laid back down. He stood over me, "Have you been on the floor all day?"

"No, totally not. But how was work?" He laid on the floor next to me. 

"Pretty good, some chick came into get her car fixed and Steve got a date." 

"My day was pretty good too, I slept until Dal woke me up, I have pretty just been here, on the floor with my thoughts."

"What were you thinkin' about?" 

"How much I missed you, and that you would come home with food." 

"I did in fact come back with food. Come on let's eat." He picked me up off the floor. 

"I got you some soup, oh and this cute stuffed bear!" He gave me the stuffed animal, 

"I'm naming it Soda, after you." He put the soup in front of me. 

"Ok, I'll put him on the bed. Just eat your soup." I ate the soup and Soda finally came back. 

"Jesus, what took you so long?" 

"I made you something. But you have to wait to see it." 

"Ok, can we watch TV then?"

"Yes, also I take payment in kisses or cuddles." 

"Can I pay you in both?" 

"Hey, if you do I'm not complaining." 

I was starting to feel a little better. Soda and I cuddled up on the couch. We put on the TV and watched a Paul Newman movie. Soda started to play with my hair, I held his other hand. I had my head on his chest and fell asleep. 

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