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Dad sent me to the store to get groceries, so I decided to walk to the only store I saw; Vincent Drug. I heard some voices behind me and I turned around to see the Sandlot boys walking behind me. I turned my head back around quickly and kept walking. 

"Oh, hey guys, there's Ava!" I heard Benny say, "why don't you guys go to the Sandlot, I'll meet you guys there later."

"Ooooh," the boys sang.

"Benny man wants to go talk to his girlfriend!" Timmy exclaimed.

"Talk to his girlfriend!" Tommy repeated.

"Aw, come on, guys, she's right there," Benny complained.

"Alright, let's let Benny-man go talk to his girlfriend and maybe after I won't be the only one to have my first kiss," Squints bragged.

"Aw, shut up, dipshit!" Ham shouted.

Everyone started to argue and Squints just laughed. "You guys are just jealous."

"Whatever. See ya later, blockheads," Benny said and walked up to me. He walked up right next to me and said, "hey, Ava."

"Hi, Benny," I said.

"Goin' to Vincent?" he asked.

"Looks like it," I answered.

"You goin' to the sandlot with us today? We could use you, you're really good," Benny asked.

"Um, if you want me to, sure. I have to get some groceries for my dad, but then I will," I answered.

"Wait you're going grocery shopping?"

"Yes, is that okay?" I asked.

"If you're going grocery shopping, you should go to Salt Lake City Grocery, it's on 10th street. I can walk you there if you want," Benny offered.

"Sure, considering I have no idea where 10th street is," I answered. 

Benny chuckles and he turns to the right, me following. "So, how you liking it here?"

"Eh, it's not bad. Glad I still get to play baseball. Ham pisses me off though," I answered. 

"Yeah, he's just like that. I'm sorry," Benny said.

"It's fine," I answer. 

"Alright, there it is, right there," Benny tells me, pointing to a grocery store up the road.

"Oh, thanks. You don't have to go in if you don't want, I know you want to go play," I offered.

"No, it's okay. I'd rather hang out with you," Benny says.

I turn my head around so he won't see me blushing. "Oh, okay."

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