Booger Wagon

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I opened my eyes the next morning, sun peeking through my curtains. I looked around and remembered everything that happened yesterday. I glanced over at the pile of boxes that I would have to unpack today. I didn't unpack anything yesterday, I'm sleeping on a sleeping bag in the middle of my floor. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone from the charger and clicked it on to see the time. 8:06 AM. I saw a text from an unknown number and I clicked on it to see what it said. It read, "Hi, Ava, it's Benny! You were great yesterday and you got an amazing homer, do you want to come play again today?" 

That boy was so sweet. I answered, "Sure. What time?" 

I turned off my phone and got up. I flipped on the lights and opened my curtains. I rummaged through the boxes and found an outfit to wear. I grabbed a random T-shirt and jean shorts. I changed quickly and then heard my phone go off. Benny texted me back. I couldn't help but smile, he's so sweet. I swear, that's the only reason I smiled.

He said, "We're heading out around 10:00, I can walk you there if you want to"

I replied with, "Sure. I'll be outside my house at 10 :)"

"Okay, see you then!"

After I changed, I brushed my hair and my teeth and ran downstairs. My dad was sitting at the table, eating a bagel. I grabbed an apple from the counter and started to eat it. 

"Oh, by the way, I'm going to play baseball around 10:00," I said.

"Yeah? With the boys from yesterday?" Dad asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Any cute ones?" He asked with a smirk.

"Dad!" I whined with a laugh.

"You didn't deny it," he pointed out.

"Fine, there's 1," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oooh, what's his name?"


"Benny. Hmm, I'll have to meet him."

"Dad, I've known him for a day!" I said.

"I still want to meet him," he declared.

"Oh my gosh," I said.

I walked upstairs and started unpacking until I heard the doorbell ring. I heard Dad open the door and I sighed. I grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs, knowing it was Benny.

"Oh, Ava, your little friend is here!" Dad exclaimed.

"Dad, leave him alone," I said, putting my shoes on. 

"I'm just saying hello. Well, you better get on your way, Ava. It was great meeting you, Benny!" 

I glared at Dad as he walked away and I walked up to Benny. "I'm sorry, my dad can be such a bonehead," I said loud enough for Dad to hear.

He laughed, "it's totally fine. You ready to go?" 

"Yeah. I have a hat somewhere, but it's packed away," I said.

"Do you want me to grab one for you? I have lots," Benny offered. 

"Oh, uh, sure. It keeps the sun out of my eyes," I told him.

"Alright, I'll be right back!" He ran across the street and back into his house. When he came back out, he was carrying a white hat in his hand. "Here," he said handing me a white Chicago Cubs baseball cap. 

"Thanks! I love this team," I told him, placing it on my head.

"No problem. They're my second favorite, after the Dodgers, of course," he said, pointing at his LA Dodgers hat.

I giggled and we started walking towards the sandlot. We were the last ones there, and the rest of the team looked pretty shocked. 

"Well, well, well," Smalls started.

"Benny Rodriguez is late?" Squints teased.

"To play baseball?" Timmy added.

"To play baseball?" Tommy repeated. 

"Yeah, yeah," Benny shrugged.

"Aw, come on, Benny man! You brought the girl?" Ham complained. 

"Shut your mouth, booger wagon," I snapped.

"I'll do what I want, girly!" He snarked back.

"Alright, guys, let's play some baseball!" Benny exclaimed.

"Benny-man," Yeah-Yeah said, disappointingly.


Everyone on the team sighed. 

"What?" He asked.

"Come on, man," Bertram added.

"God dammit, Benny! Where's your bat?" Ham shouted.

"Oh damn!" Benny shouted.

"Cares more about the girl than he does baseball," Yeah-Yeah said.

"Yeah, Ben, you kiss her yet?" Ham teased.

"Ah, shut it, Ham!" he said, walking away, "I'm getting my bat."

"So, I'm still the only one who has had their first kiss?" Squints bragged.

"You had your first kiss?" I asked, giggling.

"Yep. With Wendy Peffercorn, the hottest girl in town," he gloated.

"You forced her!" Bertram shouted.

"Still counts," Squints said.

"You acted like you were drowning and then started making out with her!" Yeah-Yeah exclaimed.

I laughed. I could definitely see Squints doing that.

"Better than any of you idiots could do," Squints taunted.

"You got us all banned from the pool, you twit!" Ham whined.

"Worth it," Squints said, smirking to himself.

"Yeah, yeah, you know you would do that if you could, Ham," Yeah-Yeah said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ham snapped.

"He means if you actually had the balls to do it," Squints gloated, "if any of you did."

"Yeah, yeah," Ham mumbled. 

"Have you had your first kiss, Ava?" Bertram asked.

"Yeah," I answered, blushing.

"Oooooooh," everyone sang.

"In the sixth grade," I added.

Then, Benny ran up to us with a baseball bat in his hand. "I got it!" He shouted.

"Aw, come on, Ben, we were hearing about Ava's first kiss," Yeah-Yeah muttered.

"What?" Benny asked.

"Oh, it was nothing," I said, quickly.

"Oh, um, okay..." Benny mumbled.

He handed me the bat again and walked out to the field. Nobody else moved, they just sat in the dugout. 

"Come on, you guys, base up!" Benny called.

Everyone whined under their breath, but made their way to their bases. I went up to home plate and brought the bat up. I smiled and took a breath in, looking at Benny's face. I just knew it was going to be a great summer.

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