Part 12

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Plagg loved listening to Adrien rant about Emma. It was obvious he loved her. Plagg looked down at the box he was once concealed in. His ring remained unmoved. Adrien followed his gaze. His face fell when he saw he was staring at the box. "Plagg..." Adrien said, "I don't think I can touch your ring yet, I'll leave the box open so you can hang out and stuff but..."

"It's okay kid," Plagg said, "But you have other people living with you that you don't want to find me,"

"I'm sorry Plagg, that sounds harsh but yeah," Adrien responded.

"It's all cool kid just leave the box open in the safe, I can faze through the walls," Plagg said, He picked up his cheese and gobbled it down.

"Are you sure Plagg?" Adrien said.

"Yes kid, I'm sure." Plagg stated, "Go have dinner with your family, I need to do stuff."

"OH shit." Adrien said as he leaped off the bed, "Have fun Plagg!"

Right after Adrien left the room Plagg zoomed out of his room and headed towards where he concluded to be Marinette's room. It was a seemingly barren room, Quietly Plagg floated to the middle of the room and called out her name.

"Plagg?" Tikki said, "is you?"

"Yea it is sugar cube," Plagg said flying over to her and giving her a hug.

"PLAGG I MISSED YOU," Tikki squealed with joy.

"Same Tikki, but we need to talk," Plagg said seriously.

"Ok what do you want to talk about"

"Adrien. He needs to know that Emma is his child" Plagg stated, Tikki blinked a couple of times then answered him.

"I can try but no guarantees"

"NO Tikki he needs to know" Plagg insisted, even though Adrien had a really messed up childhood he'll give Emma one he never had. He was basically already doing it but it would be different if he knew.

"Marinette is very stubborn Plagg" Tikki responded

"I will try to get him to transform as soon as possible, but I can't help if he falls out of love with Ladybug and in love with Marinette," Plagg said. Tikki could feel a hint of ... she didn't know maybe a warning or a threat.

"They both need to be ready to reveal themselves and honestly I don't think that Adrien is ready," Tikki said defensively

"Neither do I but we're working on it" Plagg responded. He sighed and gave Tikki another hug, "I'm sorry sugar cube, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you. Now tell me how you've been."

Alya Pov

Alya sat at her desk and sighed in asperation. Something just wasn't sitting right with her. she would try. to do an article for work but she was hitting writer's block, after writer's block. Only thoughts of Adrien and Chat Noir ran free. She groaned in protest. Nino walked into her office and rested his head on her shoulder.

"What's up babe, I can hear your frustration from the living room," Nino asked

"I can't figure this out," Alya said

"Really?" Nino asked, "This article topic seems pretty straightforward."

"not this babe, Adrien, Marinette, and Chat Noir!" She exclaimed.

"what about them?"

"Something's not sitting right like it's something we can't see." Alya explained, "I don't know, but it's enough to cause writer's block."

"okay talk to me," Nino said.

"Well, so you know how after we hanged out with Marinette and Adrien I thought that it was strange that both chat and Adrien were going to propose to their "girlfriends" around the same time." -She paused for Nino to nod- "well, being the journalist I am I couldn't leave it alone and they have more similarities. They both have blond hair, green eyes, and are pretty tall. they have never been seen in the same place at the same time. I also watched videos of Adrien and Chat they sound very similar."

"babe, I hate to burst your bubble but I bet there are at least 50 other people that fit all those catergories-" Nino said but she cut him off.

"I'm not done, you know how Adrien has amazing reflexes for hand-to-hand combat? The only fighting style that he learned was fencing, where and when did he learn hand-to-hand combat that well that he could do it while blackout drunk? Also, did you see how Adrien critiqued Wayhem's costume? He could tell everything wrong with his suit, in a matter of seconds when Adrien has never been close enough to Chat Noir see those details. Also, he called Marinette princess, you know who else called Marinette princess? Chat Noir. Also, the kid took like 5 showers a day and smelled like cheese. What does chat noirs kwami likes? Cheese especially camembert cheese, which is a super smelly cheese and you know in college Adrien and Marinette had very similar habits like being late and disappearing randomly, we now know that was because Marinette was Ladybug but Adrien doesn't have an excused unless he's Chat Noir."

"Maybe he thought the nickname was cute, babe, this is all circumstantial, though you do make a few good points that would make someone wonder," Nino said, "Plus Chat Noir also looked hurt and was acting weirds after we defeated hawkmoth."

"EXACTLY" Alya exclaimed, "too many coincidences to be a coincidence."

"Yea, I'll talk to him." Nino said, "Now that you got that out of your system can you work now."

"yes." She responded in relief.

Adrien pov

Adrien sighed in dismay, Emma was not calming down for her nap, Marinette really needed to work. He started to tell her about her favorite Akuma fight story that always seemed to calm her down. Stoneheart. But even that didn't seem to get her to settle down. He sighed deeply. There was only 1 other option that he could think of, his version would always calm him down when he needed to, her could tweak it for her. Adrien took a deep breath after he checked his surroundings. and began to sing,

"Little kitty on the rooftop, all alone without his lady,

Little kitty on the rooftop, all alone with this baby

Little baby in this room loves stories about M'lady

Little baby in this room, she always loved a daisy

Ladybug across roofs, soaring blissfully through in Paris

Ladybug across roofs, Always smelling like pastries

Ladybug and Rena Rouge saving days like this

Ladybug and Rena Rouge are two beautiful ladies"

Emma fell asleep and in the sudden quietness, he felt eyes on him. He turned around and saw a stunned Nino.

"Hey Nino," Adrien said timidly

"Hey Adrien" he responded awkwardly. "I think we need to have a talk."

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