Part 9

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Day of the parade...

Marinette woke and laid in bed. Could this be real? Marinette thought It's probably just wishful thinking. She threw open the covers and got out of bed. She wandered to the hollow downstair kitchen. Adrien was still asleep and so was Emma. Marinette planned to make him an amazing breakfast to make him happy 1st thing in the morning because today would not be an easy day for him. She finally threw the croissants into the oven when she heard Emma stir. She sighed but smiled. She basically already had everything done, just the croissants had to finish up. She walked up to get her but she saw that Adrien already beat her to the punch and walked into the dining room with Emma in his arms. "So," Adrien said, "I smell something good, that I assume is breakfast."

"You would assume correctly." Marinette said, "I wanted to start this day off good so I made you fresh croissants, with chocolate sauce and a fruit salad." As she described it his eyes grew happier and happier.

"Really?!" he asked excitedly. If he was a dog his tail would be wagging hard.

"Yup," Marinette said with a smile. The timer went off. "Op, that must be the croissants." she was just about to exit the room as she felt arms envelop her.

"Thanks, Marinette." Adrien said, "I know you have stuff to do today, but thanks for cheering me up."

"No problem," Marinette said, "Oh about that..."

"I'll watch Emma for you don't worry," Adrien said

"Ok," Marinette said. They ate breakfast with light and cheery conversation.

Marinette cleaned up the kitchen with Adrien's help before she took off for the parade. As far as Adrien knew, she designed some of the costumes for it. It wasn't a lie for she actually did design them but she also had more responsibilities to attend to.


Ladybug flew over to the Eiffel Tower to meet up with Queen Bee, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. She hoped that Chat would finally reappear for the celebrations. As much as Alya had tried to keep it quiet for Marinette's sake, people started to realize that Chat Noir was missing. No random photoshoots with kids he happened to stroll upon, no footage of him and Ladybug, out on patrols that aren't a year old. People weren't blind and she would definitely be questioned of it. She sighed in the collective silence her companions provided. They know that it was rough for her, so much changed for her this day a year ago. She took out the worn fortune from her pocket that read, you will find the one you seek. Every time she reads the trivial piece of paper, it revives her hope to find Chat Noir. She quickly tucked it into her pocket and mumbled thanks to her comrades.


Adrien was honestly feeling overwhelmed and stuffy from his house. He had to get out. He quickly strapped Emma into her stroller and walk out the door with big ol sunglasses and a cap.


Ladybug swung over the crowds of cheering Parisians with a plastic smile plastered on her face. She couldn't enjoy this moment, she had imagined it so many times with Chat by her side that doing it without him made her want to throw up. She landed on the stage with a soft landing along with the other heroes. They each gave a short speech about the hardships they faced while fighting hawkmoth and how anyone can be an everyday hero too. Ladybug could barely keep herself composed while reciting her speech. It lacked the usual luster ladybug normally gives but no one would notice, not even Alya. That was something only Chat Noir could do. She finished her speech quickly and handed the microphone to the mayor waving to Paris and swinging away. When she swung over the park she felt the flutter as the fortune fell out of her pocket and at the feet of... Adrien.

Guys i am so sorry it took me this long to publish again, I just haven't been able to find a time to work on them. I cut this one short because it's fucking 2 in the morning and like 80 degrees in my house which is HOT. I was determined to publish it tonight so here ya good. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next part.

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