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Your age: 16

You lived with the Styles family for a few weeks now. Yet you still have to meet Harry, your big brother. He was on tour and you only heard from over phone. And of course from the internet, since you knew who he was. You weren't a fan. You like his music and how he dress and such, you followed him on Twitter too, but calling you a fan would be too much for your liking.
"Y/N can you please come downstairs for a second." You heard your new mums voice.
"Sure." You struggled to get out of bed but managed it anyways.
You are 3 months pregnant.
You had a boyfriend and you both did it... how else do you get pregnant. Anyways after you told him, he left. Like everyone else did. Your blood related parents left you when you were 2 years old.
Most of the time you lived in an orphanage or in forster homes, but they most likely thought you were their slave, until Anne took you in.
You walked into the kitchen and saw Mum (she told you, you could call her that, but it sounds strange, since you weren't allowed to before), Gemma and a tall guy with short curly hair and lots of tattoos sitting at the counter.
"Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong or did I forgot something to clean?" You asked a bit worried. You did that every time, but you didn't know any better.
"Oh dear, you did nothing wrong. I wanted you to meet your brother." She said gesturing towards the guy sitting in the kitchen, your brother Harry. Only then you recognised him as the Harry Styles.
"Hey, I'm Harry." He said slowly
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" You said, you held out your hand and waited for him to shake it but instead he pulled you into a tight hug.
"Be careful, Harry!" You heard Gemma say, you giggled into his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"Yeah, yeah, I know how to hug people." He fought back.
"But still, remember what we told you." Anne warned
"Ok, I get it, let me hug her ok." He said, smiling at you and putting his chin on your head.
"Do you guys want to talk? Gemma and I wanted to go grocery shopping anyway." Anne said
"That would be lovely." Harry replied
"Could you get me ice cream, cheese, saure cucumber and chocolate?" You asked
"Yes, sure darling." Gemma said, while Harry scrunched his face up and made an ewww sound
"What?" You asked, looking up at him, you're  still hugging but you weren't complaining
"Just ewww, how could you eat something like that?" He asked, you shrugged
"Ok, we will be back soon. See you." Anne said
Harry and you both said your byes and walked into the living room.
"How's life going? Is everything alright?" He asked, sitting besides you.
"Yeah everything's nice. Life's doing good too." You said
"How about we get to know each other? 21 questions?" He asked
"Sure, you start." You said looking at him.
"Birthday?" He asked
"November, 23rd.2004" You said
"Favourite colour?" He asked
"Orange and green." You said
This went on for the next hour. By now, you knew most of things about each other.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked breaking the silence. You nodded.
"Why did you asked so many questions when you came downstairs earlier?" He asked
"Well, when I lived with other families, they used me like I was their slave and I was used to ask when I was asked for, or they would hurt me." You said
"I'm sorry, but we would never do that." He hugged you, you looked up and smiled, knowing you're loved for the first time and hadn't to worry about being send back.
"What happened here?" He said poking your belly.
"Do I have to explain how to make babies?" You chuckled
"No, I know how it goes.. just want to know why and what happened to the father." He said
"Well, the father was my boyfriend, now ex boyfriend, he was a nice guy, but changed after a while and kind of forced me into it. He said it wouldn't be bad or something. And before I knew it, he was kinda raping me, without wearing a condom. He said it wouldn't matter. After a week I found out I'm pregnant and told him but he laughed, called me a slut and broke up with me." You said
"I'm so sorry, he's a poohead." He said
"Poohead?" You asked
"Yeah, whenever I was mad or didn't like someone, I called them poohead. But don't judge me, I was 5." He said
"I like that."
"We're home." Anne yelled
"About time. I need my cucumbers." You said getting up.
You heard Harry and Gemma chuckling. And in that moment You knew it. You found your family.

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