⚠️Raped pt.2

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Harry's POV
It was now 4 months later. Y/N was 9 months pregnant and her belly was huge. A few weeks ago we found out she's going to have a boy. By now she could be ready to pop every second. We all took a few months off from work to be there for her. Also we all are back in Holmes Chapel, because she wanted to deliver in Redditch, which is near by, where we were all born.I noticed that Y/N and Liam got really close and I wonder if she has a crush on him.
I wouldn't be mad or something, just overprotective.

I was sitting in the living room besides Liam looking at old photos on my phone. We both got really close and I have a huge crush on him but I think he only sees me as a friend and nothing more. And this crush is probably away after giving birth to my son. Hormones. I was ready to pop and I couldn't wait. I was nervous but more like really excited. But right now I wanted to know what's going on between me and Liam.
I mean it isn't normal to be that close with an 5 1/2 older guy, who probably likes real women and not some pathetic girl who's pregnant by her rapist.
"You okay?" Liam asked
"Yeah, I just zoned out." I said looking up at him. He smiled and pulled me into his lap. I snuggled closer to him and buried my face in the crock of his neck.
"You know, you're really pretty." Liam whispered into my ear
"Am I?" I whispered back, I was insecure about myself lately so I kind of doubted what he said.
"Of course, you're one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Don't doubt yourself." He whispered again.
"Thank you." I smiled up at him
"I really like you." He whispered after a minute of silence.
"You do?" I asked
"Yes, for quite some time now. But I was scared you don't like me back or just as friends." He whispered
"I like you too." I whispered
"Do you-, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, finally.
"Yes, of course, I would be honoured. But what about." I looked down at my huge belly. I wasn't sure if he wants to have a child by another man, or boy. Well that boy was just a sperm donater and will never be the father.
"Just because you aren't blood related to someone doesn't mean you can't love him like you are blood related. And I love him just as much as he'd be mine." Liam answered my unspoken question.
"That's so sweet of you." I said. I looked him in the eyes for a few seconds and he does the same before his eyes flicker to my lips and back up again. The next moment, Liam's lips were on mine and gave me a passionate kiss. He was my first kiss and I couldn't imagine another person for it to be.
"What are you up-" I heard Harry asked, but he stopped mid sentence as he saw us both on the couch.
"Nevermind." He said before walking away again
"Way to ruin that moment." Liam muttered under his breath. I giggled.
I leaned in again and kissed him again. This time the kiss was different, but not worse, it was better. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, or so I thought. Before I knew it something warm run down my legs onto Liam's too.
"Did you just pee on me again?" He asked, once he felt his pants were wet. I just shook my head and and inhaled deeply. What felt like butterflies, was a contraction. I. Had. Contractions.
"Are you ok?" He asked, really do I look like I am?
"Ok, I guess that was stupid to ask." He said.
Did I just said that out loud?
"Yes you did." Liam chuckled
"Can you get Harry?" I asked, once the pain was over.
"Yes." He said, he laid me down and went off to find Harry.
"Mate, did you pee yourself?" I heard Harry laugh
"No, Y/N's water just broke, you dickhead." Liam said, they both walked in and Harry sat besides me.
"Ok, I contacted 911, they should be here soon." Liam said. I nodded.
Mum and Gemma were in the mall, shopping and Niall and Louis were in IKEA. It was only Harry, Liam and me.

Skip drive

I was in a hospital gown in a delivery room together with Harry and Liam.
I was in full pain now, but I wasn't ready to give birth yet.
I tried many things to ease the pain but the only thing which helps is walking around the room. Harry was by my side as well as Liam both holding my hands. Once another contraction hit me I bent over and squeezed both their hands. By now they could be broken, but I couldn't care less.
"Ugghhh." I groaned
"It's over soon, baby, your doing great." Harry said, yeah sure, he can say something so easy when he's not the one pain.
"Don't smart talk to me." I snapped
"Liam if you ever try to do this to me, your so dead." I yelled. I heard Liam laugh and Harry glared at him.
The next thing I knew was that a doctor, my midwife and a nurse came in and told me to lay down
"I can't lay down." I yelled after the 100th. time them telling me to lay down.
"You have to." The midwife said.
I groaned once again and laid down.

1 hour later
"Y/N it's time to push" the doctor said
"I don't want to. Harry make it stop, please make it stop" I begged
"I'm sorry I can't, but it's over soon" he said holding my hand.
"Ughhh, I hate you both so much." I yelled.
"The next time, a contraction comes, you start to push please." The doctor said
The pain hit me once more and I started to push just like the doctor told me.
"We need one more big push, can you do that?" I was asked again, I nodded and started to push again as the pain came back.
Soon enough beautiful baby cries were heard.
"He's here," Liam whispered. I smiled lazily, too tired to move a muscle
"Does the dad want to cut the cord?" The midwife asked
"Oh no, I'm no-," Liam begun but I interrupted him
"Yes he wants." I said looking up at him. He was shocked at first but cut the cord anyway.
After the nurse did the first tests and cleaned him up, she laid him on my chest. By now I had tears in my eyes, as well as Liam and Harry.
"How do you want to name him?" The midwife asked.
"Harry Edward James Styles." I said looking at my beautiful son. He was really beautiful, even though his sperm donater is an complete ass.
"And who do you want to be the legally father?" She asked. Before I could answer, Mum, Gemma, Niall and Louis burst into the room.
"Did we?" Gemma asked
"Yes we did." Mum answered.
"Shit." Niall and Louis said.
I giggled.
"Anyways, who do you want to be the legally father?" The midwife asked again. By now everyone was looking at me.
I looked at Harry for a moment, then at Liam and then at my brother. Harry nodded his head as a symbol for me that he approves.
"Liam James Payne" I said
"Ok, Mr. Payne, to you confirm that?" She asked Liam
"Y-yes." Liam said, his voice cracking. He was crying but didn't want to show it.
"Congratulations." The midwife said.
All of them, doctor, nurse and midwife went outside of my room.
And with that I started a new chapter in my life together with my new family, Liam, Harry and I, my mum, my siblings and my friends.

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