Daddy loves you-DDM

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Your age: 6

Harry's POV
Y/N got home from school earlier than normal.
Once I saw her, I asked her what happened and why she was home early.
"Munchkin, what happened?" I asked. Her clothes were kinda ripped, she had bruises all over her arms and her knee looked funny. She was limping too.
"They beat me up again." She whispered, afraid of my reaction. The last time she told me, I flipped and she got really scared.
"Baby, no need to be scared, I won't yell. Let's see. We take a bath, call the doctor and then decide what to do about those meanies in school, yeah?" I asked her, she nodded. I picked her up and walked into our bathroom. I undressed her and run a bath with bubbles.
"Daddy, can you bath with me please." She asked me sweetly.
"Of course." I said. (He's not a pervert or something like that. That's his daughter.)
I undressed myself, picked her up and sat us both in the tub.
"Tell me, how was school, besides those meanies." I asked her
"It was ok, I got that one test back, we studied for last week." She said playing with bubbles.
"And?" I was curious, we studied all day for that test.
"I got an A+" she said happily.
"I'm proud of you. And can you please tell me why they were mean to you?" I asked her
"They said I was a nerd and I don't deserve you as my father and that I should leave you alone." She said, tears welling up. Those words literally broke my heart. She was all I had, my pride, my happiness, my life. Everything. Her mum left, after cheating on me with a 20 years older man who got her pregnant. Ever since then, I never wanted to see her again. I didn't care about her rights to see my daughter or that
Y/N would get a sibling. I didn't want her to live with liars.
"Don't listen to them. I don't deserve you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, don't doubt that. And you should never leave me okay, and I won't too." I said.
"I love you." She said kissing my cheek.
"I love you too. So much." I kissed her head.

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