Mora was able to gain back control and she looked at Shaw confused as she felt the deep cuts healing much quicker. Once he was satisfied she was healing he let her up. He led her back to their home and shifted. He was angry she had put herself in such extreme danger so he didn't care about their nudity as she shifted back.

"Damnit Mora what were you thinking? You could have been seriously injured taking on a bear that size. Don't ever put yourself in harms way like that again." He growled and she looked at him angry and confused.

"We have taken down bears larger than that one before. If my wolf wasn't so hellbent on protecting you we wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place. Why are you even so angry?" She snarled back and he paused looking at her like she was crazy.

"Do you feel this Mora?" He asked pulling her into his chest. "These sparks, this pounding in your chest, the feeling of your gut twisting and jumping. This means you are my mate, without you I will never feel complete. If something happened and you got seriously injured or died I would more than likely follow you. I cannot live without you Mora. I am pissed you got hurt but more so because I should've protected you better."

Her eyes were slightly widened never seeing such emotion come from someone before. "I can protect myself." She said softly and he narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying I want to help protect you. Damnit Mora, you don't need to do everything by yourself anymore." With that he closed the distance and kissed her roughly.

Again the apex between her legs tingled and she found herself pulling him in tighter. Sparks erupted across their skin and Shaw felt himself harden. He pulled back remembering they were both completely naked. Mora looked up at him eyes clouded with lust. She then looked down and Shaw felt himself blush again.

She furrowed her brows seeing the usually soft appendage now swollen and hard. "Why does it do that? Are you in pain?" She asked looking up at him.

He opened and closed his mouth before going and grabbing shorts while tossing her his shirt. "It um," he started and ran a hand through his hair. "It does that when I am turned on. And no I am not in pain."

He felt awkward especially as she cocked her head looking at the tent in his pants. "What does it mean to be turned on?"

Shaw wanted to bang his head against a tree. He ran a hand down his face unsure of how to approach this so she would understand. "Well, it means that I find you attractive and my body senses this desire and wants to mate. When my, um, penis get enlarged and hard it means I like you and want to mate with you. Understand?"

He felt like an idiot but when her eyes came back up to his he gulped. Mora felt that familiar tingling sensation hearing he wanted to mate her. She felt her eyes darken as her wolf chanted to mate with him. She stepped up to him as he backed up trapping him against the door to the house. "So this," she said running a finger up the length of his shorts. "Means you wish to mate with me?"

He swallowed and nodded fighting against his wolf to not take her right then and there. "So why don't you?" She asked and he nearly lost all resolve.

"Mora," his voice came out huskier and deeper. "I want to trust me, but we have barely bonded and hardly know each other. I want you to trust me fully and understand mates and mating completely before we go any further."

Goddess above he wanted to so badly pin her against the wall and bury himself inside of her. But he couldn't, especially not when she hardly understood the whole concept of mates and mating. He was going to need an ice cold shower after this especially as the smell of her arousal wrapped around him.

She took and step back and nodded. "Alright, I agree it would be better to wait. Perhaps May can fill me in on the inter-workings of the mate bond, mates and mating. Could you write up a list of everything you wish to know about me and we can discuss them tonight?"

All he could do was nod and she went to turn around and get ready but paused and thought for a second. She turned back and pecked his lips before walking into the house and he heard the bathroom door shut. He let out a heavy breath before linking May about what she said. May laughed hysterically but agreed to help teach Mora about mates and the mate bond.

Breakfast went by rather quickly and Mora took Bryce out to start his training. Shaw began working with the younger kids as it was summer time before breaking for lunch and then working with the adults and warriors. Him and Zane both trained them and everyone was happy to have them back.

Mora had Bryce practice meditating which ended with him having a tantrum and her pinning him and growling in his face. He eventually submitted and was getting the hang of it. "Bryce what do you do when you get angry?" She asked as they sat across from one another.

He shrugged. "Hit, punch, kick, scream." He listed and she nodded.

"Do you hit and kick people?" She asked and he nodded. "That is harming the pack Bryce. We do not harm pack, we protect pack." She stated and he looked down furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do I do?" He asked and she sighed knowing what he was asking.

"When you get angry you walk away and find something you can hit and release your anger. Something such as a punching bag, a tree or once you get older and shift you can hunt animals for the pack." He nodded his head and thought for a few more seconds.

"When I no walk away?" He asked and she grit her teeth.

"You always walk away, if someone is not allowing you to walk away call for me understood?" She told him and he nodded.

She would be getting the pack link tonight so she will be able to link with him. The dangers of having an angry feral cornered were not something she wanted him to experience. She only experienced it twice in her life. The first time when she shifted and when she was 10 and her grandfather sent those rogues after her. She had torn them apart without mercy and still remembers the terrified faces of the guards and her parents when they found her.

Her and Bryce were making their way back to the pack house when she spotted Shaw training the warriors. She felt herself stop as her wolf purred taking in his muscular and sweaty form. He was sparring with Zane and he moved fast and gracefully but hit hard and quick. Gamma's are meant to be the best fighters in the pack and she could understand why he held the position.

She hadn't realized she was once again experiencing the tingling sensation before Shaw's head snapped up and towards her direction. His chest rumbled as he watched her stare until her eyes widened slightly and anger took over her features. He felt the punch from Zane land on his left cheek as he saw Mora rushing towards him and releasing a loud growl.

He quickly got up and intercepted her before she could attack Zane. Zane looked wide-eyed and slightly afraid as she snarled and snapped at him. "Mora, I'm alright." Shaw tried to calm her down. "Mora look at me!" He shouted and her eyes snapped to his.

"That's it, I'm alright Mora. It is only a friendly spar and I will heal in a few minutes." He told her and she nodded. "You spar all the time and you don't attack you opponent so don't go attacking mine for getting a lucky shot. I got a bit distracted so it is not his fault okay?"

Again she nodded and gently brushed her fingers against his bruised cheek. "What distracted you?" She asked and his cheeks heated slightly.

"You did, I just wasn't expecting to smell you. Its alright, go talk to May and ask her about it if you have any questions. I have to finish training and then I will see you for dinner." He pulled her in for a quick rough kiss before releasing her.

She turned and walked back towards the pack house as Bryce stood there watching on confused. She wasn't about to try and explain the situation to a two year old and sent him to the pack daycare.

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