"What's really the story behind yall?" Ava asked. I smirked.

"Ima let Babygirl tell you" she said.

    I smirked at her statement. Because honest to God I have wanted Giselle for years. I remember it like it was yesterday.

****Years ago***(A/N: I dont feel like doing mental math lmao)

I was sitting in class with Aidan and we were bullshitting when we saw her come in.
"We got a new student, Andrea Clemming" our math teacher introduced.
"I just go by Drea" she corrected. Now looking at us was this light brown stud decked out in real ass jewelry, true religions, Tommy Hilfiger boxers, a Jersey and the newest shoes looking like they just got pulled off the rack. That didnt fuck with us what fucked with us was she walked like somebody wouldnt rob her ass. She gave no fucked but then we peaked the blood flag in her back pocket. But we knew alot of bloods and none of them were as deck out plus bitch we like 16 or 17. The fuck that type of money come from. Aidan looked at me and raised a eyebrown confused as I was.
"Same shit I said" I told her. She just so happen to be sitting beside us. Now we were clearly studs so I guess she felt comfortable.
"Wassup Ima Drea yall mind if I sit here?" She asked. She was pretty light brown eyes, long blind dreads, a lip piercing and really full lips. Her eyes were kind of rounded. She was about our height. We were both about 5"10 to 5'11 not quite  6 ft yet. She was close to our height which was weird for us because we dont usually meet people that tall.
"Yeah feel free. I'm Aidan this is my best friend Remy" she introduced me.
"Wassup" I said. After a class or two with her we found out she was chill person. So when it came to leaving we got our shit ready to go to the bus.
"Where yall going?" She asked. I stopped
"To the bus to go home" I said laughing. I already had my headphones on.
"Why dont you let me drive you two" she asks biting her lip as her eyes swooped down my body. Is she flirting.....with me....that's weird
"Uhm I mean I guess if you dont mind" Aidan said realizing I blanked i came back.
"Yeah follow me plus if yall smoke I got some gas in the car" she said of course we did shit we had been smoking since we were 12.
"Bet say less" i said. Tell me why we followed this bitch to a all white range rover with 22 inch rims.
"The fuck yo parents rich or some shit" I asked when we climbed in the seats were all dark red leather interior.
"Nahh this my shit I hustle for mine" she said.
"What type of job pay for this shit oh my god this bitch got blue tooth." Aidan added.
"I do delivers and shit for my bosses. I drop off and pick up for them and they pay me really nice. I just got my own apartment if you want to visit" she said more to me then Aidan.
"Nah we dont really know we just met how about we chill this weekend that way we get to know you. We can smoke in your car outside my place or on my place completely up to you" I said. So me and Aidan lived with my mom at the time. That and my sister Stephanie was staying with my grandmother because my sister made track record down here.
"We can chill inside I dont mind" she said. I showed her where we lived and she park
"You might wanna lock your door a car that nice in this neighborhood either is bound to get broken into" Aidan said. I laughed because that was true.
"Nah I make drops here they know not to touch my shit" she said and locked the doors without a alarm. Aidan went up first.
"Wayment ma lemme get ya number" Drea said and pulled me gently by my wrist.
"Me?" I asked stupidly.
"You the only one here yeah" she said chuckling.
"Wayment you see how I'm dressed right?" I asked. I was most definitely in mens jeans, white tee and I had on timbs. My hair wasnt dreaded at the time just two strand twisted.
"Yeah and I think you're cute and I want to get to know you a personal level" she said playing with my hair. I was kind of shocked because first of all you a bold bitch.
"I mean yeah okay" I said. I gave her my number and we went inside. Aidan was already changed and sitting on the couch.
"Bet so who rolling"  I said and took my shoes off at the door. Drea followed suit.
"I got it" Aidan said and got off her phone.
"Bet roll right" Drea said. 
      About an 1 or so in we were all pretty baked.
"Yoo I am lit" Aidan said after complete silence
"I am too nigga" I was on the couch stuck. I looked over at Drea who was just a red eye but she was texting. I got up and went to my kitchen fridge and found oreos and grabbed Aidan her cookies. I ain't known what Drea liked at the time so I grabbed some dorito because you cant go wrong with that. I brought Aidan who was side way on the recliner her cookie.
"Oh my god you do love me" she said and ripped the bag open
"Yo I ain't know what you like so I got you chips" I said to Drea and threw them the caught up.
"Oh shit nah these perfect thank you ma" she said. I rolled my eyes. She doing too much.
"So how long you moved here?" Aidan asked. She was clearly interested in Drea. This is the first time this shit happen. Usually women flock to Aidan
"Oh only about 2 months. I moved with my moms down here after we saved up and got us a nice little house. My job transfer and honestly I make more here" she said.
"What do you sell because bitch it ain't mary kay makeup" I saif laughing.
"Coke, heroin, pills, weed..m.basically everything but crack and am we run chop shops for cars"  she said.
"So u blood or affiliated I peeped the flag" aidan asked.
"Full soowhoo, piru. That's why is was easier for me to transfer over here they try to pull people from different regions well at least the people I work for do" she said. I nodded and opened my Gatorade because cotton mouth is a bitch. My high was dying with all these questions. So I got my controller and started playing mortal kombat. Because I'm a thug was a thug at this shit. I was playing and zoned when I felt something hit arm. It was a cookie when I looked down.
"Bitch really what?" I asked knowing it was Aidan.
"I was talking to you for like 10minutes asshole anyway I'm bout to lay down I'm way too high" Aidan said
"Okay I love you" I said.
"I Love you too" she said and got up. I felt eye staring at me. I honestly forgot she was here.
"Do yall always say that to each other?" She asked.
"Yeah you dont to your friends?" I asked
"I mean we say love ya or I got love for you but I love you too thing seem like a couple thing I guess" she said.
"Aha nah we been there tried that shit it did not work. We say the full three words because we are more family rhen anything and we both been through alot and lost alot of people." I explained.
"That's sweet....do yall got something going on orrr" she asked.
"Nah strictly sister we dont fuck on the side or anything like other dumb asses that call people their bestfriend or bro or sis do. We just have a codependency on making sure we dont lose our shit" I said. Drea nodded. I turned my game off and lean back. I felt eyes burning into me.
"Must you stare" I asked opening one eye.
"I could but you are so sexy it's hard to stop. Especially those lips tryna see what they do" she said.
"Okay you need to stop" I said laughing
"Ima get you just wait" she said.
"You gotta chill in front if Aidan she likes you and when you flirt with me for whatever reason u flirt with me it hurts her feelings" I explained.
"Oh my bad I didn't know she felt like that" she said.
"Yeah she do we can talk and shit or whatever but chill with the flirting not just for her but for me" I said. I love Aidan and I never wanted to do anything to fuck that up. 
      **2 weeks later*
We were getting done with the last class and we all grew pretty close over the past few weeks. We had alot of the same classes too. Currently we were stopping at 5 guys to get some food before going to Drea house. Drea has really been getting a lot of attention because of us. We aren't popular necessarily but we cute as fuck and we like to fight with no remorse. We both  drives some curious women. I drew curiosity because of my situation. Man fucked with one girl and she grabbed the inside of my pants to be disappointed and excited as far as what she got out. Yes we fucked too after that it was a known thing what it what but at the same time a lot of people thought it was cap. I was not about to entertain or deny it. Man some dudes tried to run up on me too but Aidan was with me and we whooped their ass. People knew we could fight so it was rare that we really drew much attention and I liked it that way but here come drea and she then caught people like a swarm of flies. Me and Aidan weren't really use to it. The more popular gays at our school have been dick riding her heavy. Me and Aidan cracked up thinking about it.
"Yo why dont you chill with the more popular studs? I mean we're not bullied or lame but we definitely not built like them.?" I ask in the car out of curiosity
"Because yall are real with everything. They just want to me around me to make themselves look good. Yall ain't never asked for shit, wanted shit, or treated me any different it's just been chill as fuck" she said.
"Fair them bitches clingy" Aidan said. I laughed.
"As fuck dawg one of them tried to grabbed my flag and she got her ass beat" Drea said. I chuckled we even knew that shit was disrespectful.
"That preppy school bitches who dont know about how I grew up or what to. They just know I rock expensive shit and i got a car better than they daddys. Plus they would fold with my business or end up ratting people out" she said.
"And one you threaten to take a game station away they would probably spill the whole operation" i said.
"That fucking part" Aidan said and dapped me up. We get to these condos in the nice side of the city.
"I'm top floor" she said. We went up stair and this shit looked out a magazine. White carpets, grey curtains, leather furniture. Good art on the white wall.
"Well shit nigga" I said.
"Lil some some" she said. I rolled my eye.
"Lil something my ass" Aidan said before I could. We took our shoes off at the door again and got on the couch.
"Forreal ya boss hiring?" I asked. Because I dont even need all that flashy shit. It would be just nice to move so we can get my sister back and my mom can stop working so much.
"I mean shit he always looking for help" she said shrugging.
"Shiittt ill take it" Aidan
"I mean if you serious I can boom yall a meeting with him today" Drea said. I looked at Aidan.
"I mean yea.... I'm down if you are?" I asked Aidan
"Let's just do a meeting to see what he talking about it cant hurt" Aidan said.
"Bet lemme change and smoke then we can go" she said and got up. Thinking back now I'm pretty sure she was placed as bait to get us into this shit. Because you put a flashy ass teenager in a school with a huge income gap you bound to catch some people. She swears to this day she didnt but I dont think she even knew she was used as bait.
"Bet so they throwing a lil pool party today he said we can all slide through" she said.
"Uhhh we gotta go get swimsuits then because I dont have one we do not have pools in the jets" Aidan said. Which was true.
"Blaze with me then we can go to the mall I got yall on what you want" she said. That ain't sit right with me.
"Nahhh I can get my own" I said.
"Stop being rude Remy" Aidan kicked me. I mean mugged her.
"Honestly please let me. Let's just say gifts are my love language call it's a friends favor. If yall take the job with my boss then just pay me back if yall dont consider it a bday present or something" she said.
"Remy" Aidan said. I sighed.
"Fine" I caved after Aidan shot me puppy dog eyes.
"Alright settled"
"hey Remy comere real quick" Drea said about 40 minutes after smoking. Aidan had fell asleep.
"Wassup" I said she pulled me to  a room. Before I could respond she pulled me into a kiss. Her lips were no doubt soft and instant response of my body I grabbed her hips.
"Mm" she had a quiet sweet moan when my hand started grabbing on her ass.
"Drea wait we gotta talk" I said.
"What you go like a std or something?" She asked. I laughed..
"Girl no the fuck" I said. She cut me off mid laugh and started kissing me again. Fuck it she going to find out. I was dominate at this point so I started taking off her shirt and laid her on her back. I got her neck and started sucking. Her small whimpers were a turn on.
"Mmm you just knew you was getting some" she said. I already knew where this was going. I ignored her and got her bra off. I got her nipple in my mouth and went to work while slipping my hand in her pants above her boxer.
"Baby take ya strap off" she said. There it is. I bust out laughing.
"What is funny" she said.
"I knew you didnt know mami my shit in not detectable" I explained.
"Huh?" She asked. I was medium hard the between soft and not.
"Figure it out"i said and leaned back off her.
"Oh shit its yours" she said. I chuckled.
"Yeah so ya putting ya clothes back on or nah?" I asked. She was not the first stud to try to fuck me but everytime like many regular lesbian found out I had a "attachment" they were not so interested anymore I had grown cool with that.
"What why would I do that we already started this shit we going to finish I dont give a fuck so wait are you trans or"she asked. Firstly I was shocked she still wanted to.
"You know what fuck it ion care you already doing shit to my body." She said and got in top. Of course when we started back up again her phone went off. She broke away from my lips.

"Fuuuccck" she whined and answered.

"Bet gimme like hour and a half" she said to the person on the phone. 

"Come on lets go to the mall they want to meet with your today" She said. I nodded.

"I still want to fuck I dont care that you got a d*ck. Those lips and tongue do shit. If I can take a 9inch strap im good" she said. I laughed because if she only knew I had the male part but my drive was very feminine. I could go hours without bussing.

      We got to the mall. Me and Aidan looked around before I found a purple bikini.

"Hey Aidan I cant wear the bottom do you want it and Ill get shorts" I said. I hate tucking and I didnt feel like doing it.

"Fuck yeah I found a cute black top that would be so nice with that." She said. I turned the tag around.

"Jesus" I said. The price tag read 600$. Fucking  hell. I followed Aidan to fin Drea who was trying on shoe.

"Drea this shit is expensive as fuck" I said.

"Ion care we good plus I like that top it would look real good on the  tatas" she said smirking. I rolled my eyes. Horny bitch. 

"I got the black one a little more revealing" Aidan chimed in flirting. I  hate when she does this shit she's gorgeous I dont know why shes attention needy. Fuck it. 

"I bet lil mama lets pay out" she said. We went to cashiers. This bitch jus dropped 2000 dollars in here. I hate it here. I decided to go  outside for a cigarette.  I was people watching when I felt hands on my waist.

"I thought you stopped" Aidan said. I sighed and flicked a my cigarette

"Yeah I did for alittle bit"  I said. 

"You okay?" She asked.

"No because Drea is doing too much I told her to let up on flirting in front of you. I know you like her" I said.

"Yeah I do but fuck it if she like you I can fall back you do that for me all the time. I like her yes ut she got more interest in you" She said and took my cigarette.

"I wont fuck with her if you dont want me too" I said honestly.

"Nah...you should pursue her. You are sexy as hell it would be nice if my best friend had the confidence. Plus I look forward to all the bitches I got to buss in the mouth for being mad yall together" Aidan said laughing.

"You sure we good?" I asked,

"Yeah I dont mind sloppy seconds when you get bored I got her" Aidan said and put the cigarette out. I smiled and hugged her.

        After the mall we pull up at this big ass mansion and drove through the gates. I followed Drea and we went straight inside. There were baddies everywhere. 

"Drea wassup whats good Drea's friends" a guy in all white came up. Her had light brown skins, hazel eyes and black hair. He stood about 6'2 not much taller then me. 

"This is Aidan and Remy. They interested in joining our family" Drea said. The guy nodded. Then I saw the most beautiful woman getting out the pool. She was climbing out the pool, black biknin top. Pierced nipples poking through on those big titties, full lips, hazel eyes and hair curly from water hitting her back. She had shorts on. Her skin covered in tattoos. She smirked and walked over.

"Who dat?" Hazel eyes asked, I almost came that accent. That raspy, deep sultry voice

" These are potential family members Drea brought" The guys said

"This is my sister Gizelle or Gee" he introduced. Fuck she was fine as fuck. She smiled with pretty as teeth.

"Nice to meet ya ma" She said. I froze...dammit.

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