Chapter Thirty Nine : Journey To The Center Of The Mind

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Third Person's POV

Sonic and Oz woke up.

"Ah crap."

Sonic sat up, "What happened this time?"

Oz answered, "I was on a date with Amy but I got lost. And then some guy attacked me from behind and knocked me out."

Sonic made a face, an annoyed one, "Back up. You went on a date with Amy?"

Oz snapped at him, "I got chloroformed and that's what you're worried about?! Fix your priorities!"

"Sorry, you're right. Did you see who did it?"

"No. And before you ask, no, Amy didn't get hurt. She's probably wondering where I am by now. I hope she didn't think I ran off..."

Sonic nodded solemnly. They sat with their backs against each other, not sure what else to do. They half-wondered if they'd see their dark versions again, but nothing appeared.

"I found out about Galaxina. Tails told me."


"How come you didn't want to tell me?"

Sonic shrugged, "I dunno. I guess I just don't like that part of myself. It's... scary."

Oz didn't know how to respond. He changed the subject, "How are things on Earth?"

"Uh... they're okay, I guess," Sonic said as he scratched his chin. "Not much has happened. Shades is cool now, I helped save a chao from being dissected, and.... our worlds are dying."

"What?!" Oz turned to face him. "What'd you mean our worlds are dying?!"

"Collapsing, sorry, wrong word."

"That doesn't make it any better!!"

"Relax, relax," Sonic said, "I talked to Silver about it, so let me explain. To sum it up, our dimensions are going to collapse in on each other if the two of us aren't sent back to our correct worlds."


"But there's a problem."

"You don't say."

"Something is trying to destroy both of our worlds. He called it a demon or something dumb like that, but the point is, this has all happened before. And if we don't stop this demon-thing from resetting our memories again, it could destroy our dimensions even quicker than it already is."

Oz crossed his arms, trying to wrap his head around this, "So we have a time limit now?"


Sonic looked off to the side. Oz inquired, "Is there something else you're not telling me?"

He took a breath, "Well, Silver also told me something... about Chuck."

Oz's eyes widened, "What?"

"Turns out... Chuck didn't just leave. He was erased from our world. Sent somewhere else. When this happened the first time, the portal Chuck built to send them back was sabotaged and caused the whole reset. I think Silver was implying that that demon did it."

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