She knew what she had to do and purposely threw a punch he would catch. He put her in a hold pinning her down. She struggled in his hold knowing she could break it but instead submitted. The crowd went wild and Zane, Shaw, Marcus, Bo, and May looked confused.

"Why did you let me win?" Zane whispered as he helped her up.

She looked at him blankly. "To show the council I could be beat." She replied for only his ears.

He nodded in understanding before they shook hands. Marcus and the pack doctors as well as Shaw entered the rings. They cleaned up the cuts and Shaw walked over. He shook Mora's hand and looked deep into her eyes. She nodded at him as the pack doctors escorted both warriors to further treat their wounds. Once she was bandaged and stitched up she walked to the conference room. Marcus stood beside her as Shaw, Bo and May were waiting for them. They all walked in and saw the councilmen sitting there waiting.

Warriors lined the walls and the councilmen looked confused seeing the Reaper Alpha, Gamma and Luna there as well. "Alpha Bo, this is quite the surprise. Can you explain why you are here with the feral she-wolf?" Her grandfather asked and everyone snarled.

"Her name is Mora and since the fight her and her brother are now members of my pack." This caused all the council to looked shocked.

"Why would you take on a feral wolf? You do know she is dangerous and could very easily slaughter your entire pack correct?" Another councilman spoke.

Mora rolled her eyes as Bo snarled. "She is twenty two years old and has never attacked anyone unprovoked. She is a strong pack member and anyone would be lucky to have a wolf like her in their pack. Just because she is more wolf than human doesn't make her less of a pack member."

The council again was taken back by this. "Is that so? Well Mora care to explain why you injured five pack members in June 2004?" One man questioned.

"They had attacked me one afternoon calling me all sorts of names. They had broken several ribs my arm and fractured my femur. This caused me to shift for the first time at only 9 years old. My wolf took over and protected us by attacking those who were attacking us." She replied and they then questioned each of the other pack members she had injured.

When it got to Liam they were shocked to hear the details of the sexual assault from her. "So you are saying Alpha Liam tried to rape you?" The youngest councilman asked and she shrugged.

"He sexually assaulted me however it was never furthered into attempted rape. I was only 15 at the time and he was 19. I had heard a few females talk of him raping them or sexually assaulting them but never connected To what they meant by that. I made sure he understood that if he ever tried that with any female again he would be castrated hence the scar down the length of his penis." A few males cringed while the council looked alarmed.

"Why would you protect other females from him?" Her grandfather asked and she curled her lip at him.

She stepped forward looking the male dead in the eyes. "We protect the pack, even if they need protecting from their own alpha or at the time future Alpha we will do what it takes to ensure the pack is protected. Protection is one of my basic instincts and is the only thing keeping me from tearing into you and watching your blood coat the floor. I will protect the people behind me at all costs even if that means saving revenge for later." She growled and the warriors all took a step towards her.

She cocked her head her face going back to a neutral bored look. "Do your colleges know of your sins grandfather?" She asked deathly calm and for the first time fear crossed his features.

"I believe we have all we need," he said before nodding to the warriors.

They all closed in on her and Shaw snarled loudly. He rushed towards her and pulled her into his chest. "Mine," he growled and everyone froze shocked. "She is my mate and I refuse to let you harm her."

"Joseph, it seems that our hands are tied. I for one however am curious as to what the female was talking about before you stopped her. Please speak freely Miss Thorne." The second councilman said and she nodded lips twitching.

"Where to begin?" She asked rhetorically. "How about how my grandfather worked with a small local group of rogues to kidnap me at 10 and do what they pleased as long as I ended up dead. Too bad I had shifted and killed them all. Then there was the large group of 20 rogues you sent to infiltrate the pack. Marcus got hurt and I hunted the bastards down and killed them all. Or what about the day of our fathers funeral and how you sent an assassin to kill me. He nearly killed the Luna but I managed to catch the bullet and killed him. Or my personal favorite, Declan Sphinx."

Everyone gasped hearing the renown rogue who is wanted in more than ten countries for his heinous crimes. "Do you know where he is grandfather?" She spat and everyone looked at the male who had become completely pale.

"He is more than happy to tell the council everything you have paid him to do as long as he goes to the council prison. I also have footage of his time with me so even if you killed him his testimony will still be heard." She told them and now they all gasped and began murmuring.

"Where is he?" Her grandfather whispered and a sadistic smile crept across her lips.

"Don't worry I have kept him nice and cozy for the past two years." She turned to the second councilman. "I will release Declan to your men only when my grandfather is behind bars."

Instantly he nodded. "Warriors arrest councilman Joseph. You are hereby stripped of your title until a full investigation can be completed. Mora please keep in touch and we will be watching you as we decide whether or not to revise the Feral law. I will have a group of warriors collect Declan and please send the evidence to my office."

She nodded her head and relaxed into Shaw's chest without realizing it. The council saw this and were curious as to how a mate bond would effect a feral wolf.

They left and everyone turned to look at Mora. Marcus was the first to speak. "Where have you been hiding Declan?"

Her lip quirked but she nodded with her head for them to follow. Shaw whimpered not having her in his grasp but she just cocked an eyebrow at him. They followed her to her cabin and looked at her confused.

That confusion only increased when she walked into her bedroom. She moved the rug in her room showing a padlocked secret door. She took off the lock and lifted the trap door. "N-no, p-please, n-no more." A male whimpered as she walked down.

She tossed the terrified male up to Bo and Marcus. The male was pale, skinny and terrified. "D-Don't let h-her n-near me!" He cried weakly clinging to Bo.

"Holy shit," they all said as she climbed out and shut the door.

"The council is here for you Declan. Remember our deal or I will come back for you." She threatened and he whimpered and nodded his head rapidly.

The warriors that followed took the broken man away before she packed a few things and looked at them. "Well, are we going back to your pack tonight or not? I'd rather not be here when they arrest Liam."

They all snapped out of their stupor and helped grab the boxes that her and Marcus had already packed.

She took a look around the small cabin that had been her home for the past 8 years. She lit a match and tossed it into the cabin and watched as it caught on fire. Marcus placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go make some new memories."

She nodded and followed him to the car. They left behind not only a bad pack but bad memories as well.

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