"Jarvis, Ultron, whatever your name is-" the genius began speaking.

"Let her go," Steve cut Tony off in a calm tone.

The robot let out a low chuckle, "Where? Here?" He pointed to the floor of the lab. "Or- oops." Lucy gasped as a phantom feeling was left around her neck as she was dropped. As she fell, the figure of Ultron flew away, another figure following but changed its direction toward Lucy. As it got closer she could see the familiar red and gold colors of her cousins suit. She stayed cautious as he flew by a little ways to catch her. The woman hooked her arms around Tony's neck while one of his arms went around her waist as he began flying back up to the Tower. Tony dropped Lucy off staying close to the floor before landing himself. Harley ran over to Lucy and hugged her, practically knocking her over. She was at first shocked, but then returned the hug, a small smile on her face. Steve walked over to hug Lucy in place of Harley who had pulled away.

"You okay?" Clint asked. Lucy turned her head to look at him.

"Other than my necking hurting, I'm fine, thanks," she replied in a hoarse voice. Tony walked over and pulled Lucy away from Steve. "And thanks, Tony." He gave her a curt nod as she was kept at his side. Bruce walked over and inspected Lucy's neck.

"Now, I'm no medical doctor, but I will say you'll have some bruising around your neck," he informed.

"True enough," Tony spoke. "Even if Ultron hadn't put bone crushing pressure on your neck, he'd still have the ability of bruising it."

"My question is, why would he go after Lucy?" Natasha inquired.

Lucy kept a hand around her neck after hearing what Bruce told her, "Because I'm his 'creators' cousin? I'll tell you that I have no association with this 'project,' so there shouldn't be a reason why he would go after me." Tony looked to his cousin expecting her to be looking at the others but was met with a glare. "Unless you did something."

"I'm sorry, what?" he asked wanting her to repeat the accusation.


"I just saved your ass and now you're suspecting and calling me out for foul play? No, I didn't do anything to cause Ultron to go after you."

"He must've found out from Jarvis," Bruce suggested while crossing his arms.

Tony looked to his fellow scientist. "You know, I'm surprised and proud you were able to control yourself, Brucie. Good job. Oh and, Lu? How did you get the nickname 'Lucky'?"

Lucy's eyebrows knit together in confusion, but gave an answer, "I got it from your father. He had a knack for giving me nicknames, even the most stupidest ones. I think it's because he didn't have any siblings. Why do you ask?" Tony was quiet after hearing Lucy's response. It caused another question to form in his mind, but one he'd want to ask privately.

"You just haven't been very lucky for a while now, Lucky."

"Gee, thanks. I try not to be." Silence fell upon the group, everyone staring at the floor. It was almost as if they would burn a hole in it and end up falling to the floor below. Harley was the first to look up. He observed the thoughtful faces of his friends and decided to break the silence.

"So what do we do now?" He questioned knowing that was what each of the adults were thinking about. Lucy's eyes slowly moved from the floor and fell upon the boy almost hauntingly. Her usual smile replaced by a frown which fell upon her face like a curtain. To Harley she was visibly upset from the event which had just occurred and he didn't know if it would be alright to give her a hug out of comfort and him being frightened like a child. What Harley failed to notice was that some of the adults had left leaving him with Lucy, Steve, and Tony.

"Lu, can I ask you a quick question?" Tony asked breaking the silence. The woman nodded as an okay. The man of Iron looked to Steve and Harley. "Alone?" The Captain stared silently at Tony before turning to leave the room. Harley gave Lucy a look of protest causing her to walk over and give him a quick hug followed by a kiss on the forehead.

"Go hang out with Steve," she whispered slightly pushing him toward the door. When the two were gone, Lucy turned back toward her cousin with a questioning look.

"When you mentioned my father gave you your nickname... It made me wonder.. What was he like?" Lucy's stone expression fell as a look of sadness fell upon it. Tony's question made her remember that her dear cousin was assassinated by the Winter Soldier and that Tony never got along with his father. Sure, she only knew the Howard from when they were born to '45 and a huge chunk of time was missing from her life because of Hydra.

"He was a good man," Lucy finally responded. "That's really all I need to say. He was also very much like you are now." Tony looked at the floor before walking to a different area of the room having the suit be removed from him. Lucy looked out the open wall to see the sun starting to set. The sky was changing from blue to orange and red and pink. Her thoughts of the beauty outside were pulled away when she felt a hand wrap gently around her wrist knowing it was Tony. She look at him, easily meeting his eyes because of their close heights.

"Promise me. Promise me you will always be around. At least be there unlike my father."


"Please." Lucy saw the pleading look in his eyes.

"Since people can't keep promises - I swear."

Tony smiled before pulling her into a hug. "That's fine."

A/N: Finally, an update. Sorry if it took so long. School has been getting in the way of everything. Anyways, thank you all for your patience and also thank you for your support. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise to update more soon.

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