She got into the room and slowly bolted the door. Her phone had a notification.

'Memory full, click to delete duplicate pictures'

An aimless Meera switched to the gallery on her phone and began scrolling through it. She didn't click to many pictures, there were a few pictures of her and Dev, a few Dev sent of himself, a few Dev had clicked of herself. Each picture had a story attached to it, a story enough to make a melancholic Meera weep. She wanted to delete all of it, all the memories and everything that had happened. She began weeping like a baby and out of frustration, slammed her phone to the floor, wanting no reminders of what had taken place. When the phone wasn't damaged completely, she picked it up, walked to the bathroom and flung the phone into the toilet, pressing the flush again and again. 

She got into it, turned on her shower and sat under it. The gushing water hit her head and bounced back like the collision of a stream with a rock but Radha wasn't bothered, she let it crash onto her head while her wet clothes began taking the shape of her body, suddenly Radha heard herself sobbing and then she didn't stop, she collapsed in the bathtub, clutched her knees tightly to her chest and sobbed hysterically for her unconscious father and dead lover. 

Abhimanyu entered the room stealthily, he assumed Radha was asleep by now. The table lamps were turned on. He looked to find her lying on the bed, he could hear her sniffles. She lay on the bed lifelessly, but her eyes were wide open. He watched her occasionally wiping her tears. He wanted to console her but he realized it wasn't his place, what would he say to her besides? It hurt him to know that she had loved someone else but he also knew that losing the ones you love was a terrible feeling. He walked into the bathroom to see her phone lying in the commode and swamped clothes shoved in a corner. The wet bathtub with water splattered every where had meant she had taken an intense shower. Abhimanyu took of his clothes and stepped into the shower. He closed his eyes as hot sprinkles of water drooped on his head. 

I betrayed this marriage too Abhi!

Did you love him?


Stop reacting this way, you can sleep with 13 women and that's alright but me finding love out of marriage is a crime

I am leaving Abhi, I want a divorce

He has lost a lot of blood Mr. Kapoor, we are trying to get the bullet out, but-he is old Mr. Kapoor and we will try out best but bullet wounds are hard to survive with

It is very absurd that humans grieve for those who've never belonged to them

I am going to stay Abhimanyu, for ma, for Aman, for papa, and whether you like it or not, for you

There was a chaos in Abhimanyu's head, he blamed himself for the downfall of Radha and his marriage, he could've stopped it but today's turn of events had flabbergasted him. He had nowhere to turn to, the future suddenly seemed bleak. He pushed the wall under the shower with his hands and he wept, as he wept for his father, his friend and his wife's lover. 

Radha came down to the kitchen after a bath at 5.45, she hadn't slept the entire night and the way it looked, she wasn't getting any sleep any time soon either because of the throbbing headache that crying had given her. Radha felt numb, almost no emotion with a certain chirpiness. She couldn't grieve anymore, perhaps because she was running away from the fear of doing so. Almost like she was in some sort of a denial, she had lived without Dev before, she could live without him now. Putting in all the energy in the optimism of standing by her father-in-law and the promise she had made to him, she walked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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