Chapter 13

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Radha stood out of the operation theatre as she saw Sameer getting operated on, the procedure wasn't done  yet and Radha's heart ached to see Sameer attached to so many tubes as his blood flowed freely. 

She felt Abhimanyu's reflection on the window and turned to him, he offered her a glass of tea while holding one for himself. He pointed to the open window, gesturing her to walk with him there. The duo held their glasses on the edge and walked in silence. 

Radha stood next to the window awkwardly, the intimacy of this moment made her uncomfortable. She sipped on to the tea. 

"Radha, I know this must be difficult for you, losing someone err you've loved or continue to do so, whichever, I am in no position to answer that" Abhimanyu said breaking the silence. 

"It is very absurd that humans grieve for those who've never belonged to them" Radha said as she stared out to the setting sun. "And as for love, one never stops loving Abhimanyu, even when it's absolutely humiliating. One only draws up lines to protect themselves from getting hurt" Radha added as she looked at Abhimanyu who looked exhausted. His eyes looked smaller than usual and his ruffled hair spread over his face. Abhimanyu replied "Fair enough" with a tiny smile on his face. A long silence followed in which Abhimanyu had finished drinking his tea and flung the glass into the dustbin. 

"About you leaving and getting a divorce, I completely get it and I understand if you want to-" Abhimanyu started

"I am not going anywhere!" Radha declared to him abruptly. Abhimanyu was taken aback since she seemed so fierce in the morning. Radha evaluated his face and gave him a wide smile along with her justification. 

"Abhimanyu, when I got married to you, whichever ominous day that was, papa asked me just for one thing, he asked me to stand by him, stand by his family and stand by you, always. And today, in a time like this, I can't even think of defying a promise I made to him years ago. It can be hard to trust me and I understand that, what happened between Dev and me, I can't change that, I don't want to either, but I love papa, with all my heart, as a daughter, and I will never do a thing to hurt him. Never." Radha poured out as a small tear fell down her face. 

"I am going to stay Abhimanyu, for ma, for Aman, for papa, and whether you like it or not, for you" she whispered. Abhimanyu turned to look at her as a light breeze made her hair fly. He looked at her, she had the same determination, the same fierceness as she did in the morning, she was taking choices about herself, but this one was for him too. She was doing this for him too. And in that moment, Abhimanyu had begun trusting Radha as if she was the only truth to him in life. 

"My father taught you well" Abhimanyu replied.

"We have to be in this together Abhimanyu, for our father, we have to" Radha cried out. Before another one of her tears could touch the ground, Abhimanyu caught it. 

"We will be Radha, I promise" he replied as he assured her with his eyes. 

"We have managed to take the bullet out of his body, he has gained consciousness right now, so you may meet him, but after that we'll have to keep him under observation" the Doctor announced to Abhimanyu and Radha. Radha jumped in glee and thanked her gods as she rushed towards the room, while Abhi followed her.  

Abhimanyu pulled the door open for Radha as she entered it. Sameer had a number of tubes and wires connected to him, it pained Radha to see him like this but she strengthened her resolve and put on a happy front, 

"Papa, thank god you're fine, please don't worry, the doctor's said you'll be okay!" Radha said as she held Sameer dry hands. Sameer in his pain summoned Abhimanyu with his hand. He with all his strength took Abhimanyu's hand and placed it on Radha's hand. 

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