Chapter 12

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"I am leaving Abhi, I want a divorce" Radha said seriously. Abhi was shocked. 

"What happened last night, it shouldn't have happened but I am glad it did, it made things clear for us, this relationship is fucked up Abhi, we can't change that, we had our reasons of holding on to it, but Abhi you were right we do deserve to start afresh, you perhaps with someone else, who you love and who loves you! And I perhaps alone, learning to live life on my own and understanding what I want from it. I was 21 when we got married" she chuckled. Abhimanyu listened quietly, he didn't have anything much to say. 

"What about papa?" he asked, there was no other reason he could ask her to stay. 

"I thought about it a lot, but Abhi, papa never asked us to stay in this fucked up relationship, I love papa, I would hate myself for hurting him but Abhi I would hate myself for the rest of my life if I don't take this step for myself Abhi, I can't do this any longer. Running from here to there and there to here. I finally know who I am, I know my worth and I think both of us deserve more than a marriage of convenience, right?" Radha looked at him hopefully. She seemed fierce and determined today. 

"But-do-do you think you'll b-be alright?" Abhimanyu asked, the protective man in him pouring out. 

"Hmm, I might have to struggle for a bit, but it's fine I guess, besides a woman doesn't always need a man does she?" Radha replied with a confident smile. 

Confidence radiated from her face, she was guilt free, she had accepted herself as she was, she knew her worth, and she finally decided to gain control over her agency. She didn't need people supporting her. The only security required was herself. 

"Alright" Abhimanyu replied to her with a genuine smile. Her exuberance almost held out her resilience, Abhi had a moment of realization dawn upon him, he knew she was fierce now, unstoppable

"I am going to miss you Abhimanyu, you were my biggest critique" Radha exclaimed as she wheeled the suitcases out of the room, without any help

"I suppose that will be the easiest to let go off then?" Abhimanyu said, he had no idea what was going to happen after this, but she was right, they both deserved a fresh start. It would be hard to put in efforts into a relationship that had no meaning to either of them. It held absolutely no relevance if the both of them broke all norms to seek love out of it. 

"It'll take some getting used to, Stockholm syndrome kind" Radha said as she winked at him. Worriless and totally in control of herself made her cheeky, she felt like a different person while she packed her bags. 

She stopped one last time to look at Abhi and gave him an appealing smile and then turned around, prepared to walk away. 

"Radha!" Abhimanyu stopped her. He wanted to apologize once more. He wanted to help her in anyway possible and ensure that she was safe. It would take her another 10 minutes to discuss everything with him once. He owed her that much. Before he could continue saying anything his phone rung. 

Radha turned to him and Abhimanyu begged her to wait for two minutes with a gesture. As soon as he answered the phone, the shape of his face transformed. Radha could see something was wrong, Abhimanyu was devastated. Who was on the other side of the call. Radha became frantic. Abhimanyu hung up to look at her with a sullen face. 

"Papa-the-there was a shoot out at the-the g-ga-gallery-papa-was-shot" Abhimanyu answered in disbelief. Radha placed a hand on her mouth to gasp. She was shattered. 

"I need to leave, I need to leave for the hospital right now!" Abhi declared desperately as he began walking past her. 

"No Abhi wait, let me come with you, please" Radha begged him 

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