Chapter 12: (Took you long enough!)

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As the days went by, you spent most of your time doing the things you usually do. Working on the farm, chatting with friends, etc. Speaking of friends, you noticed that you've been talking to one of them a bit more than the rest. Sebastian. Yes, he was your best friend, but you ended up noticing that you talk to him quite a bit more than you talk to Sam, Abigail, or anyone else. "Am... I annoying him? No! He'd tell me if that was the case... Right?" You thought to yourself while you sat on your bed, petting your dog. "Am I annoying?" You ask jokingly to the fuzzy animal that was sitting next to you. "Bark!" D/n responds. "Thanks bud." You say back.

(Sebastian's POV)

"*sigh* Sam. Why would you possibly think that this is a good idea?" I ask, sitting across from Sam while we play Solarion Chronicles. "Dude! You obviously like her. Have you seen the way you act around her?" Sam responded. I do the boi hand gesture before responding. "We have established that I am a very awkward man when I'm around people. What makes that any different?" I said. Sam rolls his dice before speaking. After watching to see what the dice landed on, he whispers "dang it." before continuing. "Just... Think about how you act around most people. You usually try to keep away from them, stay quiet, and just kinda act like you don't exist. But with Y/n, you just... Well, in most cases, let's just say, you go from pale to red, quite quickly." I feel my face starting to get warmer after he says that. "SEE! THAT! That! right there!" He says, pointing to my face. "If your finger gets any closer to my face... I will bite it off." I said as I watched him quickly pull his hand away. "Um... Anyway... You do like her. There's no doubt about it." Sam says. "No... Also, the dragon ate your sword. Nice going." I responded with a sarcastic smirk. "I hope he chokes on it." Sam says. "Roll again, and find out." I responded before he did just that. "YES!" He joyfully yelled. "Way to go. You killed the dragon. He had a family, y'know. Now papa dragon won't be able to go home to see his kids." I said. "Do NOT make me feel bad about a giant flying monster when we're in the middle of a conversation!" Sam said angrily. "Fine. Fine. Just... Don't tell anyone. Okay?" I said with a sigh. "Wait! Does this mean you actually like her?!" Sam says, just a bit too loud. "Ssshhhhhut up!" I whisper, throwing a die at him. "I don't want anyone else to know. There's no way that she likes me anyway." I say, hiding my face with my hood. There's a moment of silence before Sam starts to speak. "Okay. Listen. I'm not gonna tell anyone about this, because I don't wanna stress you out, but... Eventually, you should tell Y/n. Who knows? She might actually like you." Another moment of silence happened that was slightly longer than the last one. "Do I have to tell her?" I ask in a quiet tone. "Not right away, but... Eventually. You don't wanna just sit around waiting, thinking that she might not like you that way, right?" Sam responds. "No..." I mumble, resting my head on my arms. "Alright, bud. Good luck with that." Sam says before getting back to playing the game.

A few days later

"I actually can't believe that I did this." I think to myself as I walk out of Pierre's store, holding a large paper bag. "So, did you get it, or did you chicken out?" Sam asks, leaning against the wall of the store. "Yes. I got it. What else would you think I'd have in this bag?" I ask, rolling my eyes. I then looked around to make sure no one was watching, and then carefully pulled out the thing that I was hiding in the bag. A bouquet of flowers. "See? Told you." I said, dropping it back in the bag. "Cool! Now, the real question is, when are you gonna give it to her?" Sam asks. "That... Is the part I still haven't figured out yet..." I responded.

"Hey, what's going on, guys?" Abigail says as she walks to where Sam and I are standing. "Oh, hey Abby! Seb got Y/n a bou-" Sam started before I panicked and covered his mouth with my hand. "Um... What...?" Abby asked. "A b-... B-... Bou-... A... About that... Um... Uh, never mind. Can we change the subject?" I stammered, feeling my face starting to sweat. "Uh... There wasn't really even a subject to change... But ok..." Abby said, confused. "Um, anyway, what's in the bag? Did Robin get you to do her shopping or something?" Abby said in a smug tone.

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