Chapter 6: (You make my chest hurt)

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You sat in your bed and your dog sat on your lap. It was daytime, but for some reason, you just didn't wanna get out of bed yet. "I guess the whole leaving Sebastian alone thing didn't go as planned yesterday,huh D/n?." You said as you flopped down onto your pillow. Ever since yesterday, you had this weird pain in your chest, but you didn't know why. As you laid there, you put your hand on your chest and asked "Should I talk to Harvey about this?" but for some reason, you decided against that idea. You decided to think about what happened yesterday that could have caused this pain to happen. You don't remember getting hurt at any point. You do remember that it happened when you started talking to Sam, Abi, and Seb, though. You just had no clue why...

(Time skip)

As the days went by, you started to notice that you've been less talkative with some people than you used to be. If someone started talking to you, you would occasionally zone out for a couple seconds, but start zoning back in before they noticed. And there were other people who you just stopped talking to altogether. You heard rumors going around that something was wrong with the farmer. You ignored them for the most part. You decided that listening to the rumors would most likely make you feel worse. You didn't know why you felt the way you did, but you just wanted it to stop. You ended up spending most of your days doing the things you normally did, like working around the farm, helping the junimos, etc. After learning that you could understand the junimos, that made helping them a lot easier. So, that's what you spent most of your time doing, but on certain occasions, you would remember that you weren't the only one who could understand them. Sometimes when you walked into the community center, you would see Sebastian giving the junimos random things that they asked for. Sometimes he would even wave and try to start a conversation, but for some reason, you just... Wouldn't... For some reason, looking at Sebastian hurt you, but you couldn't tell why. So, you would just give the junimos the things they were asking for, and then just walk out, leaving both Sebastian, and the junimos confused. Eventually, this sorta became somewhat of a habit for the two of you. Going to the community center, running into Sebastian, him trying to get you to say... Literally anything, and you just walking out. You hated what you were doing, but just the thought of talking to him made your chest hurt. "He can't be the cause of this... Can he? Why?!" You thought as you were walking around town, just trying to clear your head a little. As you walked, you happened to see Abi and Seb talking about something. You hid behind a bush to figure out what they were talking about. You didn't know why, but you felt like you needed to. "She just... Won't talk to me. No matter what I say or do, she just walks away." You heard Seb say. "Don't worry about her. You still have friends to talk to. Like me~" Abi said back. You had no clue why, but the way she said that made you feel sick. So, you decided to sneak away, and run home, where you spent the rest of the day in bed.

(Time skip)

As the days continued to go by, you continued to do the same old thing. Farm work, do some stuff around town, help out at the community center, etc. But today was different. Even if, just slightly. As you went to the community center, you tried to do the same things you usually did. Go in, ignore Sebastian, give the junimos their stuff, walk out, but this time, things changed. At first, things seemed normal. Seb waved at you, tried to chat, and you said nothing... But this time... He grabbed your hand as you tried to leave.

(Sebastian's POV)

After the egg festival, I noticed that Y/n started to act differently. She hasn't tried to talk to me as often as she used to. Heck she hasn't really talked to anyone in a while. At first, I thought she might just be in a bad mood, so I decided to just give her some space, and hope she'd eventually get over whatever's bugging her. Occasionally, I would visit the community center, and help the junimos. Whatever that guy gave us that one time made it so we were able to understand them, so... That's kinda cool. I would usually just bring them whatever it was they were asking for, and then just be on my way. Until I started bumping into Y/n. I'd usually just see her doing the same thing I was. Bringing stuff to the junimos, and walking out. But eventually, I decided on the bright idea to try to talk to her. It... Wasn't as bright as I thought. I'd usually just wave to her, and try to have a friendly conversation. But she'd just give me this sad look, give the junimos some stuff, and walk away without a word. "Man, what's up with her...?" I said. As I said that, the junimos all gave me a worried look, and the blue one said "She looks like she's hurting..." "Physically, or emotionally...?" The yellow one asked, and the blue one just shrugged, and went to collect the things Y/n brought them.

Over time, this became an almost daily thing. We'd bump into each other at the community center quite often, but she'd always do the same thing. Eventually I felt like I just needed some advice from someone. Anyone. At this point I'm still wondering if just going to anyone was the best idea.

(Time skip)

Abi and I were next to Sam's house, waiting for him to come out. As we waited, we began to start chatting. "There's something wrong with Y/n. She just... Won't talk to me. No matter what I say or do, she just walks away." I said. Abigail thought for a minute before saying "Don't worry about her. You still have friends to talk to. Like me, or Sa-" before Abi could say anymore, we heard something move in a bush nearby. We looked at the bush, but didn't see anything, but we also heard running near the trail that led to the farm, and sure enough, it was Y/n, running home. We weren't sure why though, so we just chose to ignore it. "Um... Anyway... As I was saying. If you ever want someone to talk to, Sam and I are always here. But if you're really worried about Y/n I suggest you try a little harder to talk to her. Doing a little wave ain't always gonna cut it." Abi said. "You might be right." I said just before Sam came out of his house. After that, we spent the day chatting about random stuff. Though, my mind began to wonder every so often.

(Time skip)

The days continue to pass, and I'm doing the same old things. Chatting with friends, working, etc. But today was one of the days that I usually go to the community center. I went there, gave the little apple dudes their stuff, and then... Y/n came in. "Hey! You doing ok?" I asked, but there was no response. "Hey, anyone home over there?" I asked jokingly. Again... No response. She almost looked dead inside. Almost as much as I usually do.

The next thing I did, I wasn't even really thinking about doing. I just kinda... Did it. "*sigh*... Y/n!" I said before grabbing her hand. She quickly turned to look at me with fear in her eyes. "This isn't a good idea." I thought. But for some reason, I couldn't' let go of her hand.

(Your POV)

As you look at Sebastian, your chest slowly begins to hurt again. You put your hand on your chest as you think "No... This isn't because of him... It CAN'T be because of him!" Then you quickly try to pull your hand away, but he's got a good grip on you. He looks at your hand on your chest with a worried expression and asks "Are you ok...? Are you hurt...? What's wrong?" You want to answer him, but the pain only gets worse the more you even think of doing that. As you continue trying to pull away from him, you yell something that you didn't know that you'd regret until you actually said it. "YOU'RE HURTING ME!"

After you yell that, he lets go, but because you were pulling so hard, you fall backwards, hitting the door behind you. As you're sitting on the floor, you look up at him. He starts slowly backing away from you. He looks worried. "I- I'm... I'm sorry!" He says before running out the door. You could have sworn that you heard his voice crack as he said that. You just continue to sit there, wondering if what you said was as bad as you thought it was, but no matter how you thought about it, you just felt awful. The junimos started to surround you, checking to see if you were ok. All you could do was hug your legs close to your chest, hide your face, and cry. "Why did I say that? Why did I yell at him like that?" You asked yourself between sobs.

You spent the rest of the day crying, surrounded by junimos. You didn't know what else to do.

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