As I walked outside I saw Clark idling on the curb. I raised and eyebrow and walked over to him.

"Clark I thought you were with Ashton today?" I asked.

"No Ma'am. He instructed me to give you a ride anywhere you needed to go today." Clark said opening the door. I smashed down the feeling off happiness bubbling in my chest. Ashton didn't do it out of anything but my necessity. Atleast he wasn't going to make me pay for a taxi to drive me all over hell and breakfast. I sent Clark a thankful smile and got in the car.

"Where Ms. Kingston." He asked getting into the drivers seat.

"The 'dry cleaners' again. I have to pick up a suit for Ashton tonight. And call me Layla." I said to Clark.

"As you wish Layla." Clark said and started driving towards our destination. As we drove silence laced through the car and I couldn't help but fidget in my seat.

" long have you been working for Ashton?" I asked breaking the silence. As you can tell I don't do well when its completely silent. When I'm by myself I am fine but with others I always felt the need to blab about random stuff. I am very guilty of vomit mouth.

"About 2 years."

"That's when he took over the company right?" I asked.

"Yes." His answer short. Nice conversation. I thought sarcastically. Clark wasn't much of a talker apparently. I clamped my lips shut on the words that were dying to break free. Fortunately the car came to a stop a few minutes later. I looked out the window and turned to Clark.

"Would you mind coming in with me? I have to pick out a suit and I could use your opinion." I asked. I will admit I should have done this a couple of days ago but with everything going on I forgot about it until last night. I was just hoping they had some good suits left, seeing this is the place to go in New York. Clark just nodded and got out. Before he could open my door for me I opened it and stepped out.

I entered the place with Clark behind me and started towards the back of the place. I didn't know Ashton's size but I figured they would since Ashton took his suits here to be cleaned. As I came to a stop in front of the desk the same man from last time stood there.

"Excuse?" I asked. He looked up at me and than he gaze shifted to Clark who stood behind me. Honestly Clark was pretty intimidating. His brown hair was buzzed short, he had very wide shoulders making me wonder how he fit in the car. He looked like an ex-wrestler or bodyguard. I don't know why I just now noticed how he looked but I did and I realized he was big.

"Yes Miss?" The man asked taking his gaze off of Clark. He seemed to kind of recognize me.

"I am here looking for a suit for Mr. Miller." After I said his name the mans eyes lit up. "I was wondering if you could show me some of your selections in his size?"

"Oh yes! Right this way." The man said energetically. Wow they must really value Ashton's business. "My name is Martin." He said as he lead us to a section even further in the back. "These are our best selections."

I stood in front of a big rank full of different colors, and styles of suits. This is going to be hard. I have never picked out a suit before. I shot Martin a smile and started going through the selections. I didn't know if he wanted a plain black one or maybe a grey one. Dammit I really should have done this sooner. I looked over at Clark for some help.

"What color do you think?" I asked biting my bottom lip and staring at the rack. All Clark did was shrug. I shot him a glare and turned back to the suits. "What help you are." I muttered under my breath. Moving around my eyes were suddenly drawn to one over on another shelf.

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