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tommy's pov...

dream walks away from the holes in the ground, slowly dragging his axe behind him. holes, he just made with tnt, littered the area.. exploding everything i had left.

"he isn't a friend.." i mumbled. i only sat, defeated, on the dirt below. debris and marks littered my body, reminders of the explosions.

my ears rang, still recovering from the loud booms of the tnt.

as i gain the motivation to get up, i begin to trail away from my.. once was.. base. it wasn't a home, and i never planned to make it a home.

i tried collecting the items that survived, yet there wasn't much.

"dream was never a friend. yeah, he came and checked on me.. checked on me. but he.. was never actually here because he was my friend."

i mumbled to myself, dragging myself along the plains.

i continue to trail away, walking as far as i can. i had a destination in mind, yet wasn't sure if i was even heading in the correct direction.

soon a wave of relief hits me, as i begin to recognize the snowy plains. i spot the log house stood in the distance, pausing for a moment to make sure i wasn't only imagining it..

a horse named carl sat outside, greeting me as it turned it's head towards me. i peak through the windows, somewhat hoping nobody was home.

i hesitantly make my way inside, pausing for a moment as i took my first step in.

exactly as i remembered it.

yet it was missing techno.

ivy's pov...

"ivy, i need to speak to you" dream states, causing me to jump as i was unaware of his presence.

"i- i don't want to speak to you"

the image of the holes and debris still sat in my mind, reminding me what he did.

"that doesn't matter, i want to speak to you." he sounds serious,  emphasising the i.

"what do you want"

"you can't just go around telling people he's dead." he comments. "i haven't-"

"you told the president" he cuts me off, shooting me a glare.

"i- no i didn"t" i lie, fear automatically shot through my body as i knew i fucked up.

"lying now?" he stepped closer to me.

"you do realize.. i'm always listening" he smiles, as he gently leans towards me.

"and the fact you knew who i was talking about.. before i mentioned their name.. only shows you're guilty."

i only stare blanky at dream, unsure what to do.

a bow and quiver lied on his back.

within an instant, as i noted the bow, i collapsed. pain overtook me as i clenched my chest, feeling myself go numb.

my vision grew cloudy, the clouds eventually overtaking my vision.

niki's eyes locked onto me as i stepped into her small bakery, the look on her face painted as if she could sense something was wrong.

"what happened?" she softly said, taking off her apron and hanging it on a small hook.

she stepped from behind the counter, pausing for a moment before pulling me into a hug.

i accepted it, wrapping my arms around her.

"what happened dear," she mumbled, holding me close. "who hurt you?"

"dream." i mumbled in response, niki quickly pulling away from me. "what? what did he do- i- i'll go harass him!"

"no- please."

she invited me to sit in a booth, and i did so, sitting across from her.

"what'd he do?"

i subconsciously rubbed at the mark, which lied not too far below the collar of my shirt.

"oh my god-"


"he.." niki suddenly got up, as i quickly took her hand. "niki-"

"he's a fucking bastard!" she yelled, looking down at me.

"please, sit down.." i said softly, as i wanted no further conflict. she stood there for a moment, then finally took a seat.

she only kept a hold of my hand, gently squeezing it here and there.

preamble - dream smp auWhere stories live. Discover now