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"tommy better get exiled" dream states, glaring me down. "i-" i pause for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "he will." i reply.

tubbo was the new president of l'manburg, since the destruction and wilbur's death. the topic of exiling tommy has floated around, yet i was never sure what the right outcome was.. or if it'd actually happen.

"and, what if he dosent" i ask.

"two options,"

"that are.."

tommys tie to wilbur caused most of his problems, as people only feared tommy would follow in his steps.

yet i know tommy isn't like wilbur, i felt bad for the boy. having to deal with his brothers death, now the constant relation to his mess.

"i could kill him, or you. or both, depends how i feel. just make sure he gets exiled."

"i'm not in control of that-"

"you have more than enough, you have a close relationship with tubbo." dream simply smiles, then begun to walk off

"please listen to me" tommy says, as we stand in a circle along with tubbo, fundy and quackity. "okay, i am listening" tubbo replies.

dream wanted the exile decision tonight, only making the decision harder.

"tonight, is the night of war," tommy states. "we don't stand down."


"ivy, listen to me. we have techno, we can win this!" tommy continues.

"do you realize? do you realize what is going on with l'manburg right now!" quackity says to tubbo, a small bit of silence after. we all seem to come to an agreement, a bit of silence fills the air.

"can i speak to you.. tubbo?" tommy asks, before tubbo and him step aside, leaving me with fundy and quackity.

tubbo seems very hesitant. unsure of the right thing to do. we stand ontop of the obsidian walls surrounding l'manburg, watching dream and tubbo stare each other down.

"we have come to, a decision.." tubbo states, standing infront of the group.

"i- tubbo can i speak to you." i speak up, tubbo quickly turns towards me.

"okay.. we'll be excused" he announces, dream quickly shooting me a look.

i step aside with tubbo, unsure how to go about things.

"tommy has to go, it's- it's the right thing to do for l'manburg." i state, staring off towards the ground.

he stood silently for a moment, then spoke up. "is that all?"

"yeah.." i sigh, then i lead the way back to the group.

"i am- i am so sorry," tubbo says, looking at tommy. "dream. i have come to the decision, that it will be best for the nation, the most logical thing to do, for tommy to be.." tubbo pauses.

"exiled from l'manburg."

"teaming with technoblade is an awful idea!" tubbo suddenly raises his voice, the look on fundy and quackitys faces paint that they were obviously on tommys side.

"tubbo isn't wrong." i simply state. "ivy? what?" fundy yells, confusion filling his expression. "teaming with techno really is an awful idea" i restate.

"you all jumped on these merry little bandwagons of destruction!" tubbo goes on. "you- you agreed with us!" tommy protests, hesitantly. "why! why!" he adds, his voice breaking.

"the discs tubbo-"

"they're just music discs." tubbo blurts out, gently waving a hand as he spoke.

"you're acting like schlatt!" fundy cuts in, tubbo quickly shot him a glare. dream stares at me from behind tubbo, nodding at me.

"dream please detain and escort tommy, out of my country," tubbo states calmly. "tommy, you are here by exiled" tubbo announces, locking eyes with tommy.

tommy's expression is filled with confusion, along with pain.

tommy starts walking, dream trailing behind. he pauses for a moment and turns back to the group, locking eyes with me, eventually continuing.

"vice president of l'manburg! what do you suggest?!" tubbo rolls his eyes, after they all bicker for a moment. "now we have nothing." quackity states. "nothing?" i repeat. "this is what schlatt would've done" fundy continues.

dreams figure in the distance approaches, as i watch him from the corner of my eye.

i listen to the boys continue to bicker, honestly not paying attention. "i'm going to speak to tommy" i state, beginning to walk off towards dream.

"why?" tubbo asks, shooting me a confused look.

"because, i want to" i reply.

dream leads me to the midfle of nowhere, a small dirt shack lying in the distance. i follow behind dream, as he pokes his head into the open doorway.

"ivy would like to speak to you." dream simply states, stepping back from the opening.

"i don't want to speak to her." tommy locks eyes with me as i step closer to the doorway.

"i'll let you two have some time alone." dream states, beginning to walk off.

tommy only sat in the corner of the dirt shack, staring off towards the ground.

"you're working with dream aren't you" he states, breaking the silence. "what?" i ask, unsure how he could've known.

"i know you are, you betrayed me and got me exiled" he continues.

"i- i didnt want you to get exiled." "you're lying to me" he glares up at me.

"you're just, overthinking" i state, knowing he's right.

i can almost feel dreams eyes locked onto me from a distance.

"l'manburg isn't the same without you.." i sigh, trying to somewhat change the subject.

"okay, whatever. it's barely been two hours. go back to dream and l'manburg." he says, calmly, yet sarcasticly.


"you can go now."

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