Start from the beginning

"This guy's way too good at this to have just started. He pulled off hours of torture and a homicide without disturbing the neighbors." Derek let out.

"And robbed the house." I added.

"That could be a habit." Hotch said.

"You think he started as a burglar?" JJ questioned.

"If it was just about the killing, he wouldn't bother robbing them." Hotch replied. He has a point.

"Wait, how did he get in last night?" Spencer asked.

"Mrs. Everson said there was a noise outside their door. They were outside of their room a few minutes, when they came back, he was there." JJ explained.

"He distracted them." Emily said.

"So he could climb through their bedroom window." Rossi added. That's terrifying.

"I'll have Garcia see if that M.O. was used in any other home invasions." Spencer said.

"Well, victimology is all over the map. 3 murders and he manages to kill men, women, old, young, black, white, hispanic. That's about as random as it gets." I continued.

"Randomness implies a lack of predictability. I think that's the point. All the varying people in his message. He wants them all to fear him." Spencer said.

"Oh, and they will. Press got a hold of last night's home invasion." JJ muttered. Already?

"JJ and I will set up at the station. Dave, you and Parks go visit Mrs. Everson at the hospital. Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid, the LAPD detectives are waiting for you at the Everson house." Hotch said and we all nodded.

Here we go.

We walked into the hospital and went to her room. We saw Mrs. Everson was restrained because she tried to kill herself twice since she's been here. God, I feel awful for her.

Rossi and I proceeded in the room softly and approached the woman.

"Mrs. Everson? We're with the FBI." I said softly. She just groaned. She's probably so sick of people asking her to relive this experience.

"We know you talked to the detectives this morning. But if you're up for a few more questions, it could help." Rossi let out.

"Why didn't he kill me?" She strained out.

Rossi and I shared a sad look.

"It wasn't about you. This man only thinks about power and control. Leaving you behind gives him that." I let out softly. The woman just cried. I can only imagine the world of hurt she's going through.

"Now...did he ever speak to you directly?" Rossi asked.

She gasped.

"Did he talk to you?" Rossi asked again.

"No, he really didn't. I'm sorry." She let out.

"It's okay. Take your time." Rossi assured. I've never seen Rossi so...gentle.

"Greg looked at me...the way he always did. I...we didn't need words. We...he just...looked at me and we would know. I tried to be strong but I-I...shut my eyes...when the gun went off, and...that's the last thing Greg saw. Now every time I shut my eyes...I see him. How long will that last?" She stammered. She was completely broken.

The worst part is, we had no answer for her.

"You rest now." Rossi whispered. I touched her hand before we left. She'll never recover from this.

[𝟏] 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now