yoon sanha - mattress

74 4 9

(non-req) - classic 'your boyfriends brother', mentions of infidelity/cheating, toxicity, insecurities regarding body image, suggestive

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(non-req) - classic 'your boyfriends brother', mentions of infidelity/cheating, toxicity, insecurities regarding body image, suggestive

word count: 3k (ik i can't believe it either)

It wasn't that you didn't love him, because a part of you knew that you wouldn't still be here if you didn't.

Maybe he was familiar, it was comforting to be with someone you had called a friend for so long. But with that came the disappointment that your friendship wasn't exactly true either.

He was obnoxious around his friends, it seemed like any opportunity he had to embarrass you - he would do it. It only shocked you because from your younger days, you had never known him to be that person.

"A pool party?" Your boyfriend sounded excited on the phone. "Y/N? I'm not sure if that's her kind of thing."

You ignored him for the time being, shaking your head as you turned back to your phone. You heard him say his goodbyes, searching his room instantly. "What are you looking for?"

"Trunks," Donghyun answered simply. "For this party tonight."

"Tonight?" You tilted your head. "We were supposed to go out for dinner tonight."

"I'm sorry," he answered nonchalantly, turning to glance at you with fake puppy eyes. "But a pool party? They're so rare, I can't turn this down."

You stayed silent, sulking ever so slightly. You were used to this by now, it just stung every time.

"You understand, right?" The boy softened his voice, crouching down before you.

"No, I don't," you shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "What do you mean a pool party wouldn't be my kind of thing? You didn't even ask."

"Well," he grumbled, his eyes softening although you knew it to be fake, to be manipulative. "It's not your kind of scene, a party, is it? Especially one where you would need to strip down."

"'To strip down'?" You gasped, making the boy chuckle.

"I mean, I would love to see that," Donghyun reasoned, booping your nose. "But you're not so confident with that kind of stuff, right?"

You stayed silent, locking your phone as your stomach dropped. He was right, but why did he feel the need to point that out? "Right..."

With a smile, the boy continued to search his room, leaving you to sit livid staring at the wall.

That was until the door burst open, a tall boy standing with his mouth slightly agape. "Sorry, I should've knocked. I didn't realise you were here, Y/N."

"It's okay," you mumbled, giving the boy a sad smile which made his brother look at you for a moment longer.

"What are you doing?" Sanha pestered his somewhat frantic brother.

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