Chapter 10 - The Arrest (Part 2)

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"What is so important that you had to barge in here and interrupt us, brats?" he asked, clearly ticked off (as usual). "Well, um, we came in here to tell you about something we saw in the gym just now," I answered. Levi-sensei raised his eyebrows. "What are you two and that dog doing in the gym after school hours? And why are you all still here in the first place? You should be at your homes right now," he questioned us. "Never mind that my dude," Shaggy-kun answered. "We just came to tell the prin here that we saw his gym teacher harassing one of the students." Their eyes became as wide as saucers. "Nani?" they both said at the same time.

Ronald McDonald's POV
"Yeah," Shaggy-kun replied plainly, folding his arms. Levi-sensei and Erwin-san exchanged a rather disturbed glance before sighing. Erwin-san and Levi-sensei walked over to the computer on the desk that displayed what was being recorded in the other rooms by security cameras and rewound and watched the footage. "We don't get paid enough for this bullshit," Levi-sensei said after viewing the clip, running his hand through his hair. Erwin-san nodded his head, then turned his gaze towards us. "Thank you for telling me," he said, then ran out of the office towards the gym, with Levi-sensei following him and me and Shaggy-kun tagging along with them (we just had to go too because we knew that shit was about to go down and we couldn't afford to miss it). Scooby Doo, however, had decided to stay in the office, as he had another plan in mind to catch Hisoka.

When we got to the gym, we heard the door  from across the entrance slam shut and saw one of Hisoka's shoes lying on the wooden floor. Bakugou-kun was still lying against the wall, presumably looking surprised at Hisoka's sudden disappearance. Shaggy-kun chuckled. "Damn, my man sure is great at escaping," he said, trying to contain his laughter. Levi-sensei death glared at him, causing Shaggy-kun to immediately stop laughing. "We need to catch him before he runs out of the school!" Erwin-san said, running out of the gym, with the rest of us three following him. Little did we all know, Bakugou-kun had decided to come with us from behind, watching all the action that was about to unfold from afar.

As we continued to run down the hallway, we saw Hisoka about to run out the door until Erwin-san's sudden yell caused him to come to a stop. "Where do you think you're going Hisoka? Or should I say... creepo?" he questioned him assertively. Hisoka stopped dead in his tracks and hesitantly turned around. "Oh, Erwin-san! What are you doing here?" he asked. "You know exactly why I'm here, Morrow, don't play stupid," he said scarily. Beads of sweat dripped down Hisoka's small ass forehead (because his huge effing eyebrows took up 90% of it). "Um actually no sis I have no clue what you are talking about lol," he said. "Then what were you doing in the gym with one of the students after school hours?" Levi-sensei asked him. "We were just talking," he lied. "Oh that's funny because the security cameras showed me something completely different," Erwin-san said. "Ooh get exposed my guy," Shaggy-kun said, dabbing. "I'm disappointed in you, Hisoka," Erwin-san said, shaking his head. "You're fired. Now please get the hell out of my school and never come back." Just as Hisoka was going to walk out of the building, there was a loud knock on the door. "FBI OPEN UP!" a loud shout came from outside before the door was busted down. A team of FBI members suddenly charged inside the school and took Hisoka by the arms, dragging him towards a helicopter. "What the hell is going on??" Erwin-san asked, clearly confused at what was currently happening. "We are arresting this man and taking him to Alcatraz Island to lock him away for good so he can never disturb the public again! He's a danger to society if he isn't in prison!" the FBI leader captain guy (lmao idk) said then ran out of the school with his team. The helicopter then flew off into the horizon, leaving everyone in a very bewildered yet amused state at what they had just witnessed. "Well, at least he's gone forever and won't be able to bother anyone ever again," Levi-sensei said. "The question is, how did the FBI get here in the first place?" Erwin-san asked, stroking his chin. Suddenly, Scooby Doo came running down the hallway towards the group. Shaggy-kun listened to him as he spoke gibberish. "No way man! You were the one who called the FBI? That's sick, my dude!" he said with a smile, giving him a high five. The two teachers stood there staring at Scooby Doo in awe (probably at the fact that a dog had called the FBI) before walking away together. "Well, this has been quite a day, and now I'm going to go home and wonder what life has come to," Levi-sensei said. "Same," Erwin-san agreed. Shaggy-kun, Scooby Doo and I decided that it was time to leave as well (since school had ended almost two hours ago) and walked out of the building to the parking lot where Shaggy-kun's van, the Mystery Machine, was parked. We then drove back to his house to continue to discuss our stalking plans, but what we did not realize was that Bakugou-kun had secretly followed us outside the school to the Mystery Machine and had hitched a ride onto the back of it and came to Shaggy-kun's house with us.

El fin of this random ass chapter.

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